Ok i create this batch from difference sources RAWS ( there is not sub or fansub working ) English Fansub Spanish and Portuguese Fan sub
I Rename all the file so that can be compatible with Sonarr for people who like to keep everything in order also is full compatible with plex
I not include movies or OVAS that will be another batch …
This Batch is for FANS only i do not have any purpose to sub or editing … I have to thanks all the groups… that been working in sentai series… for there job …
I have all ULTRAMAN AND KAMEN RIDER in working progress and also metal hero series…
Comments - 6
Jesus Christ this is amazing, I’ve never even seen Super Sentai but goddamn 41 seasons in entirety must have taken ages to track down
AWESOME!!! Thank you so much! Season 16 is the Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was based on. 'Case anyone was curious.
Very nice, thanks.
Finally I can complete J.A.K.Q. and a few more seasons that had episodes missing.
I think it is safe to say that this torrent is dead; 22 peers at 0% and no seeder. Goddamnit.
Please seed
Its from bluray or web or dvd?