[Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II [1080p] [x265] [10Bit] [Subbed]

2017-12-17 23:33
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5.4 GiB
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Konosuba II~Kono Suberashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo II taken from the Source BD Encoded by me with great care.

Codec: H265 HEVC
Encoder: x265 10Bit
Resolution: 1920x1080
Framerate: 23.976

Track1: Flac 16-Bit lossless audio with Japanese in 2.0 Stereo

Track 1 - [Doki (OP/ED) | HS/CR(Dialogue)] Subs

Chapters included

[Video quality]
We use CRF 18, a high-quality bitrate setting that is a standard recommendation on Doom9 (the expert encoding forum). Rest assured that this video will look perfectly fine even when watched closely on a large screen. CRF 18 avoids pointlessly bloating bitrate for virtually no gain, so you get a great balance of quality and size.

[Audio quality]
This encode uses FLAC, which is lossless but also very large. For virtually the same quality at a much lower filesize, request for a [Small] encode instead on our discord, which uses lossy AAC encoding to strike a better balance. (The video in both encodes is identical.)

If there are any issues please comment below with good pointers where something goes wrong.
Have fun watching and hope you like this torrent.

Do not forget to comment after you watched and or downloaded it ^^



Great nepping Greetings,


File list

  • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II [1080p] [x265] [10Bit] [Subbed]
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 01 .mkv (540.3 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 02 .mkv (576.9 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 03 .mkv (573.3 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 04 .mkv (497.7 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 05 .mkv (620.9 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 06 .mkv (487.7 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 07 .mkv (495.7 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 08 .mkv (603.7 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 09 .mkv (487.1 MiB)
    • [Nep_Blanc] KonoSuba II 10 .mkv (674.4 MiB)

500MB/ep in 1080p with FLAC taking up 25% of the file size. Shall we see how bitstarved the video is?

Chihiro vs Nep:

Why do you encode in 1080 if you’re just going to blur all the lines down to 540 level?
If you’re going to target a small file size you should really think about resizing to 720p. Most anime is made in 720 so you don’t lose any detail and you save bitrate by not encoding upscaled pixels. This is 2250kbps which would probably be pretty good in 720, but it just falls apart when you try to squeeze double the pixels into the same size.


Blocking, smoothing, blurring…


Well doesn’t that just look great.

Just for funsies I’m going to upload Chihiro to Youtube. Let’s see if Nep is even beating Youtube 1080.



Why do you even bother? Like seriously, instead of complaining just do it better yourself if you clearly don’t like it. What do you gain out making this comparison? An internet feud that’s going nowhere? and imho from just seeing that first comparison. There’s more grain in the chihiro one for the increased sharpness. Pretty sure there isn’t any film grain in the actual source BDs but correct me if I’m wrong.

Thanks for informing us, you should do your own release without ‘bitstarving’ the video and add some decent TSing tbh.

Like seriously, instead of complaining just do it better yourself if you clearly don’t like it.

He literally used screenshots from a better release to make the comparison.



Hmmm, one is sharper and has grain, the other isn’t as sharp and doesn’t have grain. I don’t know about you Herkz but sharper doesn’t necessarily equate for better quality. Also the point I was trying to make is that this feud is childish and Kuchi should do things more worthwhile in his life than trying to discredit someone else doing this as a hobby. Btw, while most anime still do air in 720p, the BD usually has edits made in 1080p so 1080p BD is still superior in many ways than 720p.

Finally HEVC > H.264. It’s nearly 2018, if you seriously still think h.264 is superior, you’re dead wrong.

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Hmm this goes nowhere also I don’t even bother to watch those screenshots.
Kuchikirukia is still butthurt about the discussion on aac being not as great and apparently still has this stupid feud with me, which I’m obviously aready over.
Also if you use an stupid amount of sharpening filters it could result in grainy video.
Sharpening isn’t always better, so if you compare to the BDMV surely that is a better source to encode comparison.
For now just leave it kuchikirukia it has no need to continue this brain-dead feud with me.

Good grief kuchi.

If you’re going to target a small file size you should really think about resizing to 720p. Most anime is made in 720 so you don’t lose any detail and you save bitrate by not encoding upscaled pixels.

Yet you continue to dupe (upscaled) 1080p dual-audio FLAC releases by converting the audio to AAC?

You should realize by now that you, in particular, shouldn’t be downloading 1080p encodes in the first place, since almost all anime Blu-rays are upscales anyways. Some next-level hypocriticism right there mate.

You have my greatest gratitude!

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


@GeriAtle Thanks man ^^
@Scyrous I do certainly agree with that. also are you on discord? I’m @Nep_Blanc#3767
Like really @kuchikirukia? Could you just not be this meme inducing salt-bag/moron you are? As this is getting so old that even the funny side gets stale.
like for real I already thank you in a way for the tip to QAAC as this is one of the ways to fix that OLD AAC artefact issue I had. Now I can remedy that when people ask for an [Small] encode.
Factually if you still want to force feed me with stupid screenshots/comments (without timestamps that are repeatable on my end, like why?) to discredit something that doesn’t need discrediting as it is sub tier anyways to you cause OMG QAAC STORAGE CONCERNED ELITIST WITH HIGH TIER BIG FILE SIZE VIDEO.
only reason I had flac is the old AAC artifacting, but now I think flac is fine for general playback and storage though aac is better for compression and file size wise if that gets out of hand with flac I can just QAAC it when peeps ask anyways.
So why even bother to continiously bash bash bash me with banter that already is worked out?

I don’t know about you Herkz but sharper doesn’t necessarily equate for better quality.

It does as long as it’s real extra detail and not just sharpened by the encoder.

Btw, while most anime still do air in 720p, the BD usually has edits made in 1080p so 1080p BD is still superior in many ways than 720p.

Not true outside of maybe the credits.



@Herkz That’s literally what I’m saying. As you can see in the first comparison, it’s sharper correct? But you can also see more grain. Of course if it’s real extra detail that was originally in the BD, then it’s better. If it’s artificially sharpeneed, then no. Also the comment about the BD edits, please stop, who’re you trying to kid. They do edits in the BD outside of the credits. It’s a fact. Needless to say most of the more popular airing anime are also aired in qualities higher than 720p.

Encoding in 1080 doesn’t do any good if you aren’t giving it the bitrate to keep any 1080 detail.
The fact is most BDs are still 720 upscales and Nep is bitstarving them to death in 1080. Cutting them back down to 720 and giving it the same bitrate would give a much higher quality end result than trying to encode the 1080 upscale.
And edits are not normally done in a higher resolution so as not to stand out.



720p BD upscales. Hmmm. :thinking:

Yea, it’s a smart decision to downscale an airing anime that’s higher quality to 720p and then upscale it to 1080p. Mate, you have a real obsession with 720p dontcha? Here’s a lesson for you. HALF OF THE ANIME AIRING DON’T AIR IN 720p. Therefore 1080p BD quality is undeniably better.

Lets compare episodes in terms of bitstarving shall we? So in the Doki release, episode 3 and 4 are 800MB and 640MB. Keep in mind, this is in h.264 and also flac. Now episode 3 and 4 for this release. 580MB and 500MB respectively. Still flac but in HEVC. How is this bitstarved?

HEVC IS THE NEW STANDARD. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND GET IN ON IT ALREADY. It’s a superior compression standard. Of course you save more data if you use HEVC. It also requires less bit rate to have the same video quality. By how much does it need to retain the same video quality? Around half the bit rate.



It’s a superior compression standard.

But where’s the superior encoder?

Description is rather vague. Subs are actually from CR (HorribleSubs rip) with OP/ED edited by Doki.
Don’t expect any dialogue changes by Doki, fansub typesetting or anything like that. It’s just plain HorribleSubs dialogue.

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Noted, Fixed Thanks ^^

What video encoding software do you use?

So in the Doki release, episode 3 and 4 are 800MB and 640MB. Keep in mind, this is in h.264 and also flac. Now episode 3 and 4 for this release. 580MB and 500MB respectively. Still flac but in HEVC. How is this bitstarved?

Nep_Blanc: 405MB video, 131MB audio
Doki: 569MB video, 131MB audio

Doki has 40% more bitrate and it shows.

The proof’s right there that HEVC (at least the way Nep uses it) don’t even come close to making up the difference.

Thanks for this! Do you plan on doing Nanatsu no Taizai?

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


@BlayZin Hey Come on my discord and request it in the requests channel, good way to have it written down and see what I am busy on ^^



Wtf is this “bitrate starvation” talk, CRF 18 on HEVC is very high quality, no way it’s “bitrate starved” unless you’re an obsessive pixel peeper. The differences in those screenshots posted by kuchikirukia are due to x265’s CUTree (MBTree) reducing quality in high-motion blocks. They’re completely expected and exactly how bitrate is saved in parts where watchers can’t see fine detail anyway. That’s exactly what the CUTree feature was created for!

If you want to talk screenshot comparisons, compare still frames, not moving areas. Plus frametypes should be matched (P-frame to P-frame, B-frame to B-frame) That should be the standard practice. Else it’s simply an invalid comparison.

best decoder is CoreAVC :clown:

Tester here, I rechecked audio streams for this anime, it is syncing correctly with the video, and/or any dubbing in this encode should be synced correctly with the video as well.