I uploaded these a little while ago but they've since been updated to remove minor mistakes and such.
These are edits to Hatsuyuki episodes to make the style look like Taka and Kurama.
Changes include : Font style changes, correct japanese name order, honorifics added if missing, technique names and such changed if different to Taka and Kurama's versions. Lots of stuff. Since Hatsuyuki don't use the font Taka and Kurama used it's included, just double click or right click and hit install.
To use these just have them in the same folder as the episodes, the sub files take priority over the sub file in the mkv.
@Xirix could You upload kBaraka’s subtitles " those were also edited by me" Kurama style THANKS!
If u done more than these + https://nyaa.si/view/987493 + kBaraka I'm more than in need, please
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