[Nep_Blanc] Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale [1080p] [x265] [10Bit] [Subbed] V2

2017-09-30 16:44
File size:
6.4 GiB
Info hash:

alt text

Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale V2 Taken from the Source BD Encoded by me with great care.
Added more subs for your watching comfort have fun and the older torrent will be seeded long enough to be fully seeded and removed.

Codec: H265 HEVC
Encoder: x265 10Bit
Resolution: 1920x1080
Framerate: 23.976

Track1: Flac 24-Bit lossless audio with Japanese in 5.1 Surround
Track2: Flac 16-Bit lossless audio with Japanese in 2.0 Stereo

Track 1 - [Ryusei] Subs (With Honorifics)
Track 2 - [Robo.V2] | [Bonkai77] Subs
Track 3 - [KNW] (Arial MT BOLD) Subs
Track 4 - [KNW] (Arial) Subs
Track 5 - [CBM] Subs
Track 6 - [META] Subs
Track 7 - [META] Jap Subs
Track 8 - [BDMV] PGS Subs
Track 9 - [BDMV] Jap PGS Subs

Chapters included

[Video quality]
We use CRF 18, a high-quality bitrate setting that is a standard recommendation on Doom9 (the expert encoding forum). Rest assured that this video will look perfectly fine even when watched closely on a large screen. CRF 18 avoids pointlessly bloating bitrate for virtually no gain, so you get a great balance of quality and size.

[Audio quality]
This encode uses FLAC, which is lossless but also very large. For virtually the same quality at a much lower filesize, download our [Small] encode instead, which uses lossy AAC encoding to strike a better balance. (The video in both encodes is identical.) [Small]: https://nyaa.si/view/964125

If there are any issues please comment below with good pointers where something goes wrong.
Have fun watching and hope you like this torrent.

Do not forget to comment after you watched and or downloaded it ^^



Great nepping Greetings,


File list


so many subs… does any of them have honorifics and no localisation?

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


well if you know that every sub now is based on the original subs i am not sure though the first sub is so far the best one so if you like to have that one I am good also, I am not sure why people like honorifics so much I know it is a thing though if you have the patience and well just search the subber and ask him it’s to them to answer or make the subs, I just add the most subs that are available.
I have not watched the movie yet so that’s also why I am not sure.

Why care about the honorifics? Well, I don’t know how familar are you with them, but they carry a great deal of meaning, addressing someone as “-chan” is completely different than “-sama”, each one of them carries part of the meaning of what the characters are saying, if they are left out of the subs, part of what the characters are trying to convey is missed, and thus the subtitles incomplete.
I know you didn’t make the subs, I was just asking if you knew, I guess I’ll gather more info about the subs or wait for a better version.

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Alright do not get heated up I see your point though you can also listen partially what they are saying and we’ll that carries out too though I think that the top subs possibly have honorifics, I have to look in the sub files to know. But now ATM not at my main PC.

KNW subs (based on bluray subs) on the next (optional) version will have honorifics and song lyrics. I’m currently working on it. :)

@Nep_Blanc Sorry if I gave you the impresion of being heated up, I was just commenting on your response, completely chill ;) I’m not requesting anything from you.
@RinAstrea Nice! Looking forward to it.

I’m done adding honorifics, what’s only left is adding lyrics and resync it. I’ll try to release it ASAP.

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


hey @RinAstrea Could you give me the subs too ^^ I’ll likely mux em in too.

Is this one the best version? if so can I remove some of the subtitle tracks?

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Removing of subtitle tracks is allowed but reposting this as a new release is not allowed only for personal use.

No no like removing them personally. That’s what I meant :)

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


sure no problem ^^

KNW subs updated to v5 with honorifics, song lyrics, and some minor adjustments. Sorry, it took so long for me to finish it. If I missed something, please tell it to me.

P.S. KNW-subs based on the original and official subs from the BD. I didn’t translate anything.

Link here. http://bit.ly/2kddkoc

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


will put in a link later to just add the subs if you want them with a program that is recommended lately so I have not to make a new download all the time

Updated the subs in the same link (Some minor fixes). @Nep_Blanc sure, you can do whatever you want. :)

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Sure will thanks anyways

Thank you Rin for the subtitles. I’ll use these from now on :)

Just a quick question tho. How do I permanently add a subtitle file?

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Google that and you’ll know

Hi, any chance u will upload Kuroshitsuji Book of Atlantic and Kuroko no Basketball Last Game with the eng subs and 1080p quality? :)

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


I’ll take a look into that but I highly appreciate it if you would request this in the discord: https://discord.gg/dFNQr2Q
With Anilist or anidb link so I could see what you actually want me to do for sure and there it is a little more ordered and not in a random comment on one of my torrents ^^

alright! sure sure! ^^ sorry abt that… i wanted to pm bt there wasn’t this function and I wasn’t sure where I should request soo I thought the comments section would be best since u replied here quite often~ i’ll make a request with the link~ thks! :)

Thank you for the quality release without English audio! I’m a person concerned with file size AND quality :)

Nep_Blanc (uploader)


Nice to know and thanks ^^?

Tester here, I rechecked audio streams for this anime, it is syncing correctly with the video, and/or any dubbing in this encode should be synced correctly with the video as well.