Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale (2017)

2017-09-13 03:16 UTC
No information.
File size:
999.6 MiB
Info hash:
720p Possible downscale into an upscale

File list

  • Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale (2017).mp4 (999.6 MiB)

Fantasial (uploader)

Enjoy the torrent ;)

Fantasial (uploader)

btw before anyone else asks (i created the torrent accidentally posted as guest) the video is 720p not a camrip but also not BD quality (does have asuna nips tho ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>no but DVD its 720p ;) Time to download this, verify that you did indeed fucking upscale a DVD, and then delete and ban this torrent for breaking the rules about DVD upscales

Fantasial (uploader)

i didnt upscale or edit the video ;) i say DVD but in reality its just a watchable 720p
this not dvd or bd ver this is leak version like Kimi no na wa. quality not bad but not good either.
Very obvious shitty aliasing that I presume comes from some nearest neighbour upscale, so explain yourself

Fantasial (uploader)

I was misinformed by the person who gave me the file saying it was DVD is all :P i removed the above comment saying that (also this isnt a leak the movie is available for renting/buying in japan in some places)
cdjapan.co.jp say dvd and bd will come with englisg sub so obviously this not dvdrip.
Your Name BD came with English subtitles, so obviously [this torrent](https://nyaa.si/view/942331) is not a BD rip (?).
you cant renting/buying it in japan, in china or korea maybe but if someone renting/buying and release it on internet while the bd/dvd not even out yet it's called leak.

Fantasial (uploader)

Fantasial, I've moved the torrent to your account as I could verify it is indeed your upload.

Fantasial (uploader)

thank you <3
i can confirm this not bd http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2017/08/04-1/sword-art-online-the-movie-ordinal-scale-dvdblu-ray-comes-with-sequel-novel http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/ANZX-14001 https://otakumode.com/news/59560184a5f8449412d3ce48/Sword-Art-Online-Ordinal-Scale-Blu-ray-DVD-On-Sale-Sept-27!
eh, it's better than the camrip, so no point in deleting it.
Thanks for the upload, but I'll wait for a proper BD.
This RAW It’s Rental DVD(BD Only Retail Release) Version
Can you show SS? I want to see it If it's good, I won't take BD because BD will Show Asuna's nipples. I hate it because I like her
Not very good quality but worth it for the Asuna nips
I wonder why no BD release yet. :/
does anyone have any eng subtitles for this?
thanks for nipple
that 999.6 mb black magic i say, black magic!
the file is good, just only japanese audio with it. no hard or file subtitles
@palunglaut "Black magic" a.k.a. low-bitrate VBR encode

Fantasial (uploader)

Yes koala we all know its bad quality i mainly only uploaded so there could be a sub ready to go when BDs drop lmao
I've seen so much bs this comment section, I had to reply. So it's DVD because it's out in Japan as a rental disk. Somebody rip the DVD and uploaded it. However the BD indeed isn't out yet, you have to wait for it.
Bluray Release September 27, 2017 (JPN)
Engrish sub where are you? ^_^
DVD source video is limited to 1024x576p. ? it's Breaking The Rules
DVD Version with upscale?
@IzumiLSk maybe

Fantasial (uploader)

its honestly lower quality than DVD but it does seem to be an upscale of sorts its almost like it was BD quality and someone downscaled it to 480p and upscaled it to 720p
Anyone have eng sub title file?
Still wait for BD.. /(~.~)\
Just finish watching it thought I waiting for better quality to rewatch.
it is just me or the video itself have some lag in it? anyone?
Catch the torrent :) Thanks a lot)
Does anyone have the .srt or .ass subtitle file for this movie? There seems to a hardcoded 360p cam rip but no available subtitles.
@UrbanHentai https://subscene.com/subtitles/sword-art-online-the-movie-ordinal-scale I'll let you know that the subs were horrible. Too plenty of errors in translations.
Good!! Thanks ~LooooL Asuna, I Love you. So please, marry with me!!
I wonder why the BD version has not yet come out.
@UmOtakuSinistro Because you didn't read comments. Bluray Release September 27, 2017 (JPN)
Hi Guys you can Download the Sync ENGLISH SUB here... https://subscene.com/subtitles/sword-art-online-the-movie-ordinal-scale/english/1629861 Credit to the Owner of the SUB>>> asep dedi
Tried the subs linked above. Many little grammatical errors. At the beginning it wasnt that bad but as time went on it got more painful to have more than half of my focus on the subs :/ Waiting for proper subs with better font but thanks for the effort anyway :)
@KrizunA The subs are bad.
Is this 720 or 1080?
at least I have seen my waifu's nipple.thank you?