I realize this is an old torrent that I'm replying to, but the reason that this is a 576p release is that sometimes OADs/OVAs are released alongside "special editions" of manga volumes. To keep manufacturing costs down, the publishers order the episode to be pressed on DVD instead of BD. It's dumb, but it's common for "less popular" manga where profit margins on volume sales are a concern. It still happens occasionally. The episode is produced/mastered at HD and then downscaled to keep the raw filesize low enough for the DVD that is included with the manga volume. Since it was produced at a higher resolution, for many such releases it's not impossible to conceive of a 720p or higher resolution version being released in a "Complete Edition" BD box set some day down the line. That is what happened with Nisekoi and it is available under Torrent ID 1146547 on this site (from Moozzi2 raws). Coalgirls subtitles can be found at https://wiki2.org/en/List_of_Nisekoi_episodes#Nisekoi: (you will need to scroll down the page a ways). They are ASS files which can be loaded externally by most players.
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