Title: Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica (アルトネリコ2 世界に響く少女たちの創造詩(メタファリカ))
Gender: Game
Platform: Playstation 2
Version: US (NTSC)
Voice Language: Selectable Japanese/English
Text Language: English
NIS didn't dub all the voices in the japanese version, and also removed the japanese voices for those not dubbed dialogs.
There's a version that removes the english voices and puts the whole japanese voices back:
NIS also introduced a bug that causes a hang in a certain battle. There's a patch here, which works in both nis and undubbed versions:
Some hashes
ed2k link: ed2k://|file|Ar%20Tonelico%202%20-%20Melody%20of%20Metafalica%20%5BPS2%20US%20NTSC%5D.7z|3441856814|DE0816D7184F28D737E652A59E004743|/
md5sum: a32fb131fc110b71701c957f964f65f1
sha1sum: 63e4d38a14639877c832adf633b0b2e3c6570d22
sfv cksum: 633FC9DD
File list
Ar Tonelico 2 - Melody of Metafalica [PS2 US NTSC].7z (3.2 GiB)
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