.:CoMPaNy:...... Konami
.:GaMe TyPe:.... Action
.:PaCKaGeR:... PSX.RAR
.:ORiGiN:....... USA/NTSC
.:MeDia:...... CD:.
.:PLaTFoRM:..... Sony PS1
.:FoRMaT:..... BIN/CUE
.:SiZe/RARs:.... 16x20MB
.:PaTCHeD:.... No:.
The covert operation team known as FOX-HOUND takes over
a nuclear weapon disposal facility, they threaten to fire
nuclear weapons at the united states if they do not give
them the remains of Big Boss. But things don't go as they
had originally planned and they can't activate the stealth
missile launchers, which is why they let Snake infiltrate
their base. Liquid also has an ulterior motive, he wants
to get revenge on Snake. They were both cloned from Big
Bosses DNA, and Snake got all the good stuff while Liquid
got the bad stuff. Big Boss always said that Snake was the
good one, his favorite.
If Liquid Snake only knew how wrong he is.
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