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surely she's saying they would have all died in five seconds, right? I'll grant that 5秒 and 業病 sound similar so I could be mishearing it, but one sounds more reasonable than the other
I mean, she *did* say that thing that morning about faking an illness.
Actually, it was probably *meant* to be heard as both. As in, she herself was saying the illness thing, but everyone *heard* that she'd kill everyone in 5 seconds. It's an extremely Japanese (and also Shakespearean) joke.
In other words, the most accurate [and also toughest] way to sub that would likely be to find a similar way of conveying that sort of misunderstanding in English. The slurred speech should make that a bit easier to pull off though (and was probably the real purpose of having that there in Japanese). ...I'm just glad I have no plans to sub this series myself, lol.
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