This is a Recap special for the Galaxy Express 999 TV series that aired in 1982, a week after the conclusion of the Queen Millennia TV series in the same timeslot. It very briefly summarizes the story of the TV show, primarily the first and final episodes (and a bit of Heavy Melder in the middle), featuring new narration by Masako Nozawa (Tetsurou). It's sometimes denoted as episode 114.
Video is from jsum's encode on U2.
Timing, Typesetting and additional Translation by yours truly, while the reused dialogue is based on the official translation (taken from [Ghost's release]( and lightly edited).
Special Thanks to *R* for helping me get the RAW and TougeWolf for helping with TLC, Typesetting and QC!
File list
[DarkWispers]Galaxy Express 999 - The Boy's Journey and Parting [964AD77C].mkv (1.9 GiB)
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