Trails in the Sky Trilogy Evolution [English Patched]

2023-06-06 16:00
No information.
File size:
13.2 GiB
Info hash:

I love this game so i decided to share. This one for psvita, just put app and repatch folder into your psvita’s ux0 folder then refresh your livearea and play.

All 3 Sky games included.

alt text

Again; sorry for upload speed. Please seed at least 3x.


File list

  • Sky Trilogy.7z (13.2 GiB)

Thank you I will play this ^^

drgn (uploader)


There were mistake on the desc. I fixed.

tysm, can’t wait to play this on my vita

I would take it this requires a modded Vita (or PSTV) right?

drgn (uploader)


Yes. If needed you can easily mod your ps vita in a few minutes; also without connection to pc. Just dig it uncle google.

I already modded my PSTV (just so I could use a flash drive as a memory card), I was just making sure.

How do you force a refresh of the livearea? I don’t see any option to do that, I own a PSTV.
The shortcuts to the games aren’t showing up on my livearea meaning this is unplayable until the shortcuts show up, I don’t think you can just drag and drop files to the ux0 folder and expect them to be playable.

Never mind, I figured out how to refresh the livearea, had to use Vitashell.

I don’t know why but if you get DLCs for the games (only tried FC so far) trying to use them will cause the game to crash which is probably caused by the translation patch since the DLCs are in Japanese and probably aren’t compatible with the patch.
So, to play these games in English you can’t use any DLCs for them.

I didn’t expect the games to be Asia region and not Japanese. FC trophies (just an example):英雄伝説-空の軌跡-fc-evolution

drgn (uploader)


Nope its not asian version. These are; pcsg00488-489-490 i mean japanese version, but asian versions are pcsh10060 and similar. For dlcs can you try this?

Open Pkgj -> Show DLCs only -> Filter region to only show Japan DLCs -> sort by size -> From the top of the list, tap up on the dpad to go to the bottom of the list. -> Scroll up a little bit until you find PCSG00489 オリジナルサウンドセット, it’s a 245 mb file. Download and install it. -> Open the game, go to options, and change the BGM to original. You don’t need to start a new game for this.Eiyuu Densetsu not Legend of Heroes.

That doesn’t help, opening most of the items under DLC causes the game to crash, the first item at the top doesn’t crash it (Free Sepis Set) but the rest do, I installed all DLCs for PCSG00488 or FC. I wasn’t aware the games are actually available on PKGj and under Japanese, another look and I ended up finding them, I wonder if I should just delete the games and use PKGj to download them again, I doubt that would delete the rePatch folder.

PCSG00489 is for SC not FC so trying to get me to work with that one when I was talking about problems with DLCs on FC doesn’t help (I haven’t tried the DLCs on SC or the 3rd yet, they might cause the games to crash as well since they all have the same DLCs though only SC and the 3rd have the 245MB and 377.84MB DLC probably both being the original BGM).

No clue why PSNProfiles lists the trophies as AS or Asian when the games are Japanese.
I wasn’t even aware they made Evolution versions of the Sky Trilogy in 2015 for PS Vita, the only versions of them are on PC and PSP.

drgn (uploader)


488 is FC. 489 SC. 490 3rd. You could try 488 instead of 489 other than this steps are similar. I saw, a lot of people had this dlc issue. You dont need to redownload the game from pkgj also you really dont need to that type of dlcs for finishing the game. Trails in the sky trilogy not requires grinding like many other jrpgs. Just look for shiningpom locations and grind them a little. This will be enough.

Before i forgot pkgj really tooooo slow due to vitas wireless connectioon quality. That will be much much more annoying for you.
Edit. you can ask this issue to gbatemp forums in related topic maybe they will better answer.

I’m using a PSTV (PlayStation TV) not a normal handheld PS Vita (I sold my 2000 model PS Vita a long time ago because I couldn’t stand using it anymore, too tiny for my large hands) and it has an ethernet port so it’s wired connection not wireless, I don’t have any issues downloading games on it, it’s actually pretty fast as in each game only takes a few minutes to download.
Granted the Sky Trilogy on PC (and PSP) actually has no DLCs at all.

drgn (uploader)


i mixed but like i said you really dont need that dlcs and you really dont need to downloads from pkgj. Because it will be similar this, aside from repatch folder and title id.

I only kept the Free Sepis Set DLCs (for all 3 games) and didn’t bother with any other DLCs including the original BGM DLCs (even though they work fine).
Title ID is actually the same from what you provided and what PKGj has, the compatibility patch appears to be different though.

Would this files work with the android emu Vita3k? And no I havent downloaded this yet.

drgn (uploader)


I didnt try that so i dont know but i dont recommend playing these on emulator yet.

drgn (uploader)
