First of all this is the first torrent I created, so I hope everything works.
Included are all archived Livestreams (Including Member-Only Streams), Videos and Shorts from Youtube.
The Twitch Streams are from the YouTube Channel “Unofficial Pikamee Twitch Archive”. I don’t know if they had every Stream.
All Tweets are included too. They are split up by date and then Tweet ID, so all images/videos are in the same folder as the Tweet text.
1007 Videos
13542 Tweets
The following settings were used for yt-dlp:
-o "out/livestreams/%(uploader)s - %(release_date)s - %(title)s - %(id)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
-N 4
--sleep-requests 1
--sleep-interval 5
-a link-livestream.txt
-f bestvideo+bestaudio
# Uniform Format
--merge-output-format mkv
# Get All Subs to ASS
# Get metadata
--parse-metadata "%(title)s:%(meta_title)s"
--parse-metadata "%(uploader)s:%(meta_artist)s"
# Debug
--compat-options no-live-chat
--download-archive archive.log
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