Mediainfo | Source-Encode Comparison | Comparison to other encodes | Vapoursynth Scripts
And that was it! Major thanks to everyone who made this release and its strict release schedule possible. I hope that at least some of you appreciated the (mostly) reliable pace of this release, and that you enjoyed this show and its strong production just like I did.
A batch with insert songs, adjusted song translations, consistency fixes, QC report fixes, some redone episodes, and other minor stuff is in the works and will be out sometime in April. Please don’t upload an unfinished batch to trackers in my stead. As for the obvious questions: yes, I’m making a BD release for this once the BDs are fully out come June. Yes, I’m probably doing Part 2 in 2024, so long as I can find the staff to make it happen then.
Encode: Lehmer merge, aa, dehalo, dering, strong denoise wiping all grain and compression, deband, regrain, some scenefiltering, some zoning.
Subs: English (Hidive Base, restyled, retimed, Song TL)
Audio: Amazon
Chapters: Yes
Encode: Moelancholy
Memestro: Angrevol
Song TL: Neon (TL), Moelancholy (Editor)
Song Styling: colgatto
Timing: Pookie
QC: Moelancholy
You may use any part of this release without permission or credit. Though if you find my encode scripts on github useful, I ask that you link your own scripts for your releases as well, or host them there.
Please report any issues on my Public QC Discord server. Use mpv for playback.
Comments - 6
Thank you so much.
Peak has ended