Mediainfo | Source-Encode Comparison | Comparison to other encodes | Vapoursynth Scripts
This weeks was rough. Pookie is busy with exams, I got a mild case of food poisoning and also had to set up my encode environment from scratch and rewrite the scripts, and everyone was busy. So not much scenefiltering this week, and the brutally cursed (aliasing and shimmer on every plane…) ED not fixed yet. Also no new song translations yet, but we’ll try to get those done over the next few weeks. Thanks to LafferStyle for pinch-hitting the timing this week.
Encode: Lehmer merge, aa, dehalo, dering, strong denoise wiping all grain and compression, deband, regrain, some scenefiltering, some zoning.
Subs: English (Hidive Base, restyled, retimed, Song TL)
Audio: Amazon
Chapters: Yes
Encode: Moelancholy
Memestro: Angrevol
Song TL: Neon (TL), Flower (Editor)
Song Styling: colgatto
Timing: LafferStyle
QC: Moelancholy
You may use any part of this release without permission or credit. Though if you find my encode scripts on github useful, I ask that you link your own scripts for your releases as well, or host them there.
Please report any issues on my Public QC Discord server. Use mpv for playback.
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