shiteatersubs presents Dr. Slump & Arale-chan episode 119 in Japanese with English subtitles.
Translated & Timed by: incognitoartist
Edited by: shiteaterbubibinman
Quality Consultant: Nanto
Special Thanks to: Hozonkai
Thanks immensely to incognitoartist for his stunning translation.
Thanks very, very much to Nanto for his contributions. If you watch this episode and think, oh my, the subs sure look great! — we have Nanto to thank for that. Visit him if you will at his amazing fansub site for more extremely professional looking subs:
Special thanks to Hozonkai for graciously donating to pay for the translation of this episode.
“Today’s the day for the summer sports tournament! It’s Arale’s middle school versus Taro’s high school versus a group of pro athletes in a series of Olympic-style events, but who will win and become the Penguin Village champion?!”
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