[Okay-Subs] Soul Eater 01-13 (BD 1080p)

2022-07-12 01:36 UTC
No information.
File size:
8.1 GiB
Info hash:
The encodes are reencodes of [Aergia-raws] with static grain removed. [Comparisons to JPBD](https://slow.pics/c/Yv5eLOxm). Coalgirls subs, lightly QCed. EDIT: I didn't talk this release up, didn't advertise it, didn't boast about it, and marked it red. Yet I have all these people in the comments shouting at me. Y'all need to learn how to leave well enough alone, mind your own business, and shut the fuck up. Or better yet, make your own release and post in the comments about why people should watch your release instead. At least that might help someone.

File list

  • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater (BD 1080p)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 01 [14E834DB].mkv (698.1 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 02 [BA0BBEFD].mkv (780.8 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 03 [D1BDA92F].mkv (752.5 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 04 [E61E2733].mkv (572.1 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 05 [7EDC26D5].mkv (631.9 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 06 [1528EBA8].mkv (589.1 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 07 [3625976A].mkv (625.7 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 08 [9C818F64].mkv (614.9 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 09 [9128FE24].mkv (600.3 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 10 [F7DCAAA8].mkv (693.5 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 11 [B6BA0A45].mkv (552.7 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 12 [D78F7A16].mkv (538.8 MiB)
    • [Okay-Subs] Soul Eater - 13 [C8D4A450].mkv (663.1 MiB)
but i love making the filesize 5x bigger for no reason
I love how you comp that to the BDMV where aergia release was already found to be better than BDMV, I think you should comp it to the aergia release, unless you are trying to hide something 🤔🤔🤔
Nice, posted a comp without the original encode that you re-encoded from.

motbob (uploader)

I'm not posting a comp so that people can know how leet my reencoding skillz are, I'm posting a comp so that people can know whether to watch this or not instead of some other JPBD-sourced release. So a comparison to Aergia isn't all that relevant. Feel free to make a comp yourself if you think it's important, but I don't. A remux of Aergia isn't my competition. It's 3GB per episode. It's disqualified.
^this comment really activates my almonds

motbob (uploader)

And bruh, this release is fucking RED. It has "reencode" right there in the description. I even say that I removed the grain! What exactly am I supposed to be "hiding" here?
> but i love making the filesize 5x bigger for no reason > no reason The reason was to make the video look better, thats not something you would know much about though.
>I’m not posting the comp so that people can know how leet my reencoding skillz are. I’m posting a comp so that people can know whether to watch this or not. So a comparison to Aergia isn’t all that relevant. You have made a comparison to the notoriously bad JPBD (and everyone who has looked at it knows it). You took the lazy one and reencoded Aergia's encode, and it's okay, you came to the finished filtered release that is without any artifacts, so you took the opportunity to make a smaller version of it. The thing that I don't understand is why you are trying to make your encode look better than it actually is. The whole "I'm posting a comp so people can know whether to watch this or not" seems like a blank statement trying to hide that you are well aware that the comparison you posted is irrelevant. Throwing a shallow response because you can't come up with anything else to defend the actions you took is just as if the opposing side was the one true to the real version. Also, maybe it's bad from my side, but if you are reencoding something, shouldn't you make a comparison from source you took? I have seen other mini encoders do it this way instead of posting comp against BDMV so I assumed that it's indeed the way it should be. >And bruh, this release is fucking RED. It has “reencode” right there in the description. I even say that I removed the grain! Reencode doesn't actually means bad, Afterall when you get BDMV and you encode it, you are reencoding it because it was already encoded when BD authoring company made it BD ready. Even tho majority of the time RED category is associated with low quality mini encodes as this is what is uploaded 99% of the time in it. >What exactly am I supposed to be “hiding” here? Idk, maybe the amount of artifacts added when mindlessly transcoding one encode into another because muh grain bad and has to be removed.
People like Aergia need to understand that not all of us are privileged enough to consume encodes that are more than a 1 GB per episode.

motbob (uploader)

The actual truth is that I tried to make a comparison with JPBD, USBD, Aergia, and this encode. But slowpics would not process that 40-image comparison even after a fair number of attempts at uploading it. This has been a problem with slowpics recently—I always have to pare things down to ~20 images or it just breaks. (Tried doing a 30-image comp for SAO, and it didn't work either.) If anyone wants to make a comparison like the one I described and can get slowpics to process it, I will put it in the description.
>The reason was to make the video look better, thats not something you would know much about though. holy fuck it's so easy to bait you
This comment section has potential
> holy fuck it’s so easy to bait you ![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg)
If you keep pretending, eventually you are not pretending anymore.
Is this Soul Eater Not? Which has 12 episodes. Or Soul Eater that has 51 episodes?
@ohbejuan It's first 13 episodes of the normal Soul eater.
What the fuggg :DDDDDDD
Honestly bro, this is really cringe. You acknowledge your encode sucks, but still do the streetshitting. Doesn’t really give a good look for you.

motbob (uploader)

> Honestly bro, this is really cringe. You acknowledge your encode sucks, but still do the streetshitting. Doesn’t really give a good look for you. Making releases is never cringe, period.
Damn. This comment section is spicy. @nandesuka :) we miss you!
I see some people just keep getting dumber here, there is no saving them unless they embrace God in their poor soul!
I once believed that people should get the best release out there to get the best quality experience, and doing otherwise is just wasting somebody else's time, bandwidth, server storage and sanity. But then I realized that was probably just my ideal. Now we get so many releases that one may be the preferred release to somebody, regardless of how 'bad' it is. It could be interpolating it to 60fps, a reencode of an encode or any of the silly stuff that objectively diminishes 'quality' that's been uploaded here. At the end of the day, these uploads informs the people what they're about to consume, and those people made a conscious decision to get it if they find it into their liking. And as far as I can see, Bob didn't fail to do that. I dunno what kind of drama you people are up to now, but it's still apparent that after all these time, you guys never grew up. Come on now, we're already too old for this shit.
Nabiru said what needed to be said. Y'all mafuggas need some **Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)** in your wretched lives.
nothing gets me going like a nyaa.si cat fight
To all you experts picking faults, please link us to your encodes you have posted??? Show us how good you are and that you even know anything about encoding. There is a term horses for courses, I download 3meg size files and re-encode to suit myself into x265 and a size I like. But I also download existing ones that suit my requirements and keep. I get that half of your are bored, and some are just idiots picking a fight but go do something usefull elsewhere.
> To all you experts picking faults, please link us to your encodes you have posted??? Show us how good you are and that you even know anything about encoding. This is literally re-encoded from my release, looks significantly worse, and I disapprove of it. The uploader went as far as to download the bdmv and chose to re-encode my release anyways so I think its pretty clear I know a thing or two. By the way, before anyone gets the wrong idea, i'm not saying he is not allowed to do what hes done I just think what hes doing is stupid.
I like how you are all shitflinging at each other when this anime is something even trash would call garbage. 3 GB of my HDD for this shit? I approve of this release, MTBB is doing the right thing. Shit's bloated and also bad. If only Aergia could spend his time encoding Bakemonogatari for me instead of overworking over this.
Encoding Bake is child's play compared to this show. Too easy and boring, not interested. I didn't like Bake much anyways (every other season was better).
.p nerd goofy soundtrack
Bake was the best season so you're objectively wrong there buddy, but I appreciate your kind response and henceforth raise my raiting of Soul Eater from "disgusting dregs" to "shitty but probably watchable".
Owari S2 is objectively the best season
>Bake was the best season >every other season was better And here we have the two shitty sides of the spectrum