HD 1080p from Prime Video.
Upload batch. Use CBR bitrate mode.
Japanese subtitles added.
We are planning to upload all Prime Video Japan Dramas and Movies, we need your Support!
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Ali (Zhifubao / QR code): https://i.ibb.co/FWV2ggm/1660626347125.png
Aifadian: https://afdian.com/a/2021777A

Regarding the upload of TV Tokyo dramas, we will try our best to supplement the unfinished parts of the past, and new series in the future will be uploaded after the free version is released by the streaming media.
In addition, since the manager of Jpsubbers is currently out of contact, the Japanese subtitles of TV Tokyo can only be obtained through streaming media. If there is no subtitle, it will not be added.
Comments - 2
MagicStar-subs (uploader)