| Translation | [Thaerin from LN](https://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/sayuri/mikazuki/) |
| KFX, Editing | Zahuczky |
#### Appearances: This KFX was never used in a release.
#### You can reause these KFX-es in your own release/batch/remake/whatever, but please credit the original creators mentioned above, or if nothing else, credit this release.
#### The subtitle files included in the mkvs doesn't contain the code of the KFX templates, but if you want to know how I made them, feel free to ping me in the #fansubbing channel in the [DameDesuYo Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/zyzT4Sy6yJ). Reasoning: My KFX-es are made to fit perfectly the given OP/ED, and I just don't want to see them reused on different shows, where it probably doesn't fit perfectly, but I don't want to keep their workings a secret. So I'm happy to share parts of it/explain how it works.
File list
[ZahuFX] Ranpo Kitan ED KFX (BD 1080p FLAC).mkv (203.7 MiB)
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