Thought translation was pretty good on first view, but found
other small mistakes as i did it second time.
Sorry for delay, the blood lust of CIA neocons and everyone else
has made for a bright and clever hell in Ukraine.
Everyone running off to help Nazis, i wish you fools well.
Russia has said they won’t hold back on foreign mercs, and hasn’t.
Just like the Nazis you are mind controlled well, Goebbels would be
proud of how well you are all mind controlled by the media.
Course when all they do is spew the CIA line in mass media, what other
conclusion can you come to. Ahh beautiful mind controll!!! Perhaps maybe
this is what this episode was about.
Who the hell shot the two guys? Kinda confusing ep…
Say some prayers for the people slaugheterd by nazis in donetsk
your reichstag loving media will never report it. Sub human russians, they don’t matter, it’s ok to kill them.
Comments - 5
aw sweet a schizo thread
smengy (uploader)
Ahh you innocent kids with heads filled with propaganda. Here look at this…
Watch this, nooo no Nazis are there in Ukraine nooooo, believe YOUR media!!
The Western media, which ignored the tragedy in Donetsk the day before, went even further - they are now publishing photos of the “Point U” rocket as an illustration of the rocket attack of the Russian Armed Forces on the Yavoriv firing range with foreign mercenaries.
“Russia’s missile strike near Ukraine’s border with Poland raises difficult questions for President Biden,” reads the title of an ABC News article with a photo of the missile.
Again, the “independent” Western press manipulates the facts, does not give an objective picture of what is happening and deceives its own citizens about the situation at the front.
Brit coverage
One of britains finest
Get away camp cancelled
Mossad HQ not american embassy attacked in Iraq, because Israheil attacked the Iranians in Syria and
Killed 2 of their Soldiers.
would appear I touched a nerve
my suggestion? touch some grass.
smengy (uploader)
Whoops this is subs for episode 22. I can’t change the title. EP 22 !!!