Dragon Ball Z Ocean Dub Tree of Might 3-Part Syndication Version [Truncated Hifi VHS Cap]

2022-02-25 02:07 UTC
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File size:
38.8 GiB
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Here we go: The complete elusive three part airing of Dragon Ball Z Movie 3: The Tree of Might. Why is it so special, well, the RTD version is the edited single movie, this is the original split "3-Part" episode of the movie complete with NEP and opening narrations. Complete with the glorious dub, censorship we all love and nostalgic commercials! This includes the complete recaps and NEPs for each "episode." Some might even consider this some lost treasures since there has never been an official release! Enjoy and seed. Credit for the recording goes to a chad by the name of Echoes, and shared by a totally un-hoarder king going by ksa1978. Many thanks to peepeepoopoo69, for assisting me in getting this shared!

File list

  • Dragon Ball Z Ocean Dub Tree of Might Syndication Version (Hifi VHS Cap).mkv (38.8 GiB)
Wow, this is insane! This is one of the few pieces of dub material I can think of that was left being lost! Thanks to whoever preserved the tape!
Absolutely based
Don't forget to unearth the rest of UUE episodes you guys . Good luck .
Krycek7o2's based-ness extends continually across time and space, from upping the Dbox DVD rips 20-ish years ago till today. Thanks also goes to these other dudes involved. They can rest easy now.
Thank you very much for uploading this for everyone. I've uploaded the most valuable parts of this (the recaps/NEPs) to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKqRZKtirAY
Mmmmmmmmm elusive three part airing of Dragon Ball Z Ocean Dub Tree of Might Syndication Version Hifi VHS Cap (said in Homer Simpson voice) Thank you so much for making this available on nyaa, and thank you Echoes, ksa1978, and peepeepoopoo69.
Echoes (aka Ryan Parente) deserves no thanks, other than I guess a sarcastic one for stabbing me in the back. I'm the one who got my hands on this tape, I ripped it, I basically put all of the work in, and just because I threw a bone to a back stabbing son of a bitch who I thought I knew and of whom I forgave for talking shit about me behind my back previously, my moment is crushed. I forgive him, buy him a VCR so he can do his own shitty captures, and this is the thanks I get, I suppose. And you know, it doesn't bother me so much that it got out or that I'm not even the one being thanked, but more so for the fact that Echoes and ksa are being called "Chads" and "Kings" for basically doing nothing whatsoever other than picking their asses and standing on the shoulders of others that actually do work hard and put their time and money into this stuff. Backstabbing judas prick. Enjoy it, I guess. I'll put up a better rip of this eventually but I'm sure it won't garner the same reaction so why even bother? Oh, and fuck FemboyFilms as usual.
This is Echoes, aka "Ryan Parente." I am unsure why Arian feels the need to use my real name - should anyone here know or care who this "Ryan" is? Or perhaps, it is something used for personal satisfaction, as an attack to quench this misplaced hatred? I think the answer is pretty clear, and using someone's real name, neigh, doxxing them publicly reveals more nefarious motives. And perhaps, I shall open the box here upon that if it's what Arian wants. It seems pretty clear that's what desired according to the comment above. I did not intend to even stand ground here. I was exhausted of all this, and wanted to leave it behind me. A few days ago, Arian doxxed my phone number and sent me threats over text, questioning the validity of my existence in how "I live with myself each night." All for uploading a cartoon online. Is this something that devalues a human's being's integrity? Is it something worth doxxing their phone number, and real name for online? How did things even escalate to this point? Well, I can say all that Arian won't here. I was only aware of Arian from the drama surrounding Balish and his Toonami broadcast tapes, circa sometime between 2013 and 2014. As I was digitizing a friend's collection of DBZ tapes in 2017, Arian found me through Steam to get himself involved in this situation. I was wary, due to all the past things I had heard, but wanted to give him a chance, as a lot of time had passed since then after all. (1/5)
At the beginning of it, Arian sent over his own VCR, but over time it degraded and eventually died. I sent it back to him to get repaired again, leaving us with no option but to procure another VCR. Strangely, he had me purchase a new one using his own Buyee account which he encouraged was safe to enter my information in. It was extremely odd, but as I left myself open minded to trusting him, I wanted to continue proving my loyalty to completing this project (as we had over 80 tapes.) Of course, I should've insisted on making my own account, as it came to haunt me later. He promised to split some of the VCR with me, as it cost over $450 after shipping and processing fees. Some weeks later, I had another charge to my credit card - $900. I had no idea where this came from, but only saw Buyee. So, I naturally peeked into Arian's account and saw he had purchased tons more things - Naruto DVDs, among other novelties. I was scared to bring it up with him, as I hate confrontations (something I had continued to avoid until now.) But, soon enough I did. At first, Arian was very understanding and apologetic. He promised to pay me back in increments as his cheques came in. I went in to delete my card, but was unaware you had to verify such a thing through Buyee. So, my information stayed, and he continued to use it. I was charged another $200, and then another $200. Including the VCR, at this point his debt to me rose to over $1500. Over the next year, I kept getting promised I'd be paid back soon. But this never happened, and eventually the weight of it all was too much to deal with, so I sent him a letter. A letter explaining that the financial strain that had been placed upon me was a huge detriment to my mental health, as I had been dealing with a bad break up and suicidal thoughts at that time. I muted him, and let it sit for a while. (2/5)
In this time, I told a couple of friends who knew Arian about all this. I only ever told two people privately, and only for guidance on the situation - unfortunately, one of those people spoke of it in another Nyaa.si thread that Arian was under attack in. The Westwood Dub TV rips one. I had no involvement with this, as I have not been active in the DBZ community for over a year at that point. But I only preface this in saying, this was a private matter, and Arian's woe in me "talking behind is back" is also misguided in that I did not do that at all. Others only leaked this information in a huge ball of drama, as it was not the center of discussion but rather focused on how these recordings had been hoarded. I talked to Arian again just a little bit after this, as he had messaged me. Curiously, I took a peak at it and he spoke of "not wanting to have enemies." It was a strange comment, but if someone wants to reconcile and make amends, it is something I am all for. During this time, Arian bought a couple of Super Mario Bros. blu rays (as I was part of the SMB Movie Archive) in order to start compensating for what he owed, but he never sent over the physical copies. Only rips, as he kept the actual items for himself. Once again my trust and confidence in him had been breached, but he followed that up by purchasing another VCR to fulfill his desire in being involved in these tapes. I, at this point, wanted nothing to do with that, not only because I had moved on to other things, but because my experience was soured by the financial situation that loomed over me. But, if this is how he wanted to repay me, I did not want to stop him. When it arrived, it didn't work of course. But, he never messaged me back to check once it arrived. Our final conversations were concerning the very recording in this thread. (3/5)
After many promises to upload it, that it was "coming soon", it never happened. He claimed he had a few more tapes to get through, but I knew it was digitized a long time ago - as I had it on my drive. Nearly 2 years passed going into 2022, and after many false promises about it being made public, and the encouragement of other preservationists in the animation scene, I uploaded it to Internet Archive. I never claimed to have ripped it in the YouTube upload description linking the Archive page, and neither did I name drop Arian as to put him on the spot - unlike his own actions of putting me on the spot in this thread. I wanted to leave it to him to address once he noticed, perhaps wishing he'd just be passive, seeing it as a product of a bunch of mistakes that happened. I uploaded it to close the book on this chapter of our lives, the preservationist in me could not morally hold on to it and become something I promised not to be - a hoarder, unlike Arian had been in the past over all these TV rips. After all, they're just cartoons, right? It's a bummer to have something leaked like that, as my Super Mario Bros. Movie workprint was on reddit. But, life goes on - we keep our integrity, our dignity, right? (4/5)
No, apparently not, As seen above, I am to blame for all this. Credit card fraud, an amount that can be considered a felony and a breach of trust in allowing one to repay that debt is nothing in comparison to having a VHS recording leaked. Doxxing someone's personal information, harassing their phone number, and stretching this torment thin over a period of three years is absolutely justified in the face of such a tragedy. I wanted to kill myself with the emotional weight of that debt over my head during the worst period of my life, and according to Arian real life problems, real life crimes, and everything in between is meaningless when it comes to copyrighted animation material we all do not own gets leaked. Obviously, none of it was important enough to mention in the heroic actions of doxxing me and making my mental health struggles worse. Even after all this time. The admins here have already been spoken to about the above comment. Arian, if you have any shred of remorse, sympathy, or humanity in you, please just delete that comment. Forget about me. That's how you can pay me back now before the admins get around to addressing this. I never wanted to be known on the internet - I only ever contributed into preservation out of love for common interests. But it's people like this that take the love out of it, and I'd rather not have this in my life at all in that case. As it's not about credit, or being known - it's about sharing in the love and discoveries together. Something I hope maybe you understand one day. (5/5)
A compilation of the above comments and all my credit card receipts and more for good measure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I36tq8cI0CjFgKgvpuiz9WljyTnTYUrLBGyd4fHOWyk/edit?usp=sharing

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