Musculman (Kinnikuman) - La Lluita per el Tron (Cap 19) Multi Subs (Valencià/EspLat/Eng)

2021-09-10 09:22 UTC
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File size:
587.5 MiB
Info hash:
![alt]( ![alt]( Cap: 19/46 Vídeo: x265-HEVC-W2X (Saiko) Resolució: 1440x1080 Àudio Japo: acc LC Format: mkv Traductor del Japonés: Zeus777 Sub Valencià: Raohken Sub Esp Latino: Saiko Sub English: Cavery210 [ProjectZScans] Muntatge: Raohken VAL: Espere haver millorat per fi la qualitat de les imatges adjuntes, ja em direu com vos pareix millor, si d'esta forma o com les estava posant fins ara. Si vos quedeu de llavors facilitareu que altres puguen descarregar a major velocitat. Gràxies! ENG: I hope I have finally improved the quality of the attached images, you will tell me how you think it is better, if so or how I was putting them up to now. If kept as seed, others will find it easier to download faster. Grax! SIPNOSIS: L'equip Múscul pot descansar tranquil... Però no per molt de temps! En este capítol vorem a Menjatallarins enfrontar-se a Biciman que encara li guarda rancor per la mala passada que li va fer adés... Este combat no serà precisament bufar i fer ampolles! SIPNOSIS (eng): The Muscle team can rest easy ... But not for long! In this chapter we will see Ramenman face Bikeman, who still resents him for the trick he played on him earlier ... This fight will not be a piece of cake!

File list

  • Musculman La Lluita per el Tron 19- Torna a Viure una Volta Més! Menjatallarins Viu!! (Multi subs).mkv (587.5 MiB)
Think the images now are not that stretched :) Thank you for the new episode!