[DmonHiro] No Game No Life Zero (BD, 1080p)

2021-08-05 20:55
File size:
6.9 GiB
Info hash:


Somewhere, on an isolated planet, 15 races battle for the ultimate prize. A device said to be able to destroy the entire universe. As the never-ending war rages on, destroying the planet, the survivors of the native population struggle to stay alive. With no way of defending themselves from the 15 races, they do what they can to gather information and find places that are relatively safe. But that is becoming harder and harder, as the very air on the planet has become toxic to them because of the ash which follows the battles between the races. The only silver lining is that none of the other races pay any attention to them, as they are far beneath them. Riku Dola, the leader of the remaining humans, does what he can to keep them alive, but doing so requires that some of them are sacrificed to gather the information they so need. But one day, Riku encounters an exiled member of the Ex-Machina race. He befriends her and names her Schwi. With her help, he might be able to bring an end to this meaningless battle.

Man, this movie kicks all kinds of ass. Not only does it look great, but the characters and plot are fantastic. This was a world without the 10 Commandments. A world where killing was common. Each of the 15 races were out for blood, and each is said to have access to their own kind of super-weapon. That’s right, only 15 races. Humanity was not part of the Exeeed at the time. This is the forgotten history of the never-ending war, before the world was remade into Disboard. And what a ride this movie was. While it did have some comedy and a little bit of fanservice, this movie is much darker then the series. As it should. There’s no fun to be had in this world. If you lose, you die. And you die horribly. While Sora & Shiro are arguably smarter then Riku & Schwi, I have many doubts that Sora & Shiro would have been able to pull off what Riku & Schwi did.

Video is from the JP BD, the subtitles are from the US BD, and the subtitles for the little intro to the movie are from me. Contains 2.0 and 5.1 tracks. Enjoy the movie. It is fantastic.

Also, yes, this IS an 1080p torrent. I make exception sometimes.

File list

  • [DmonHiro] No Game No Life Zero (BD, 1080p)
    • Bluray Extras
      • How To Behave In The Theatre.ass (5.5 KiB)
      • How To Behave In The Theatre.mkv (237.5 MiB)
      • JP BD Ad.mkv (41.7 MiB)
      • JP Preview.mkv (104.4 MiB)
      • US Commercial.mkv (35.8 MiB)
      • US Preview.mkv (88.3 MiB)
      • US Trailers.mkv (91.7 MiB)
    • Bluray Scans
      • 01 Box A.jpg (9.9 MiB)
      • 02 Box B.jpg (1.3 MiB)
      • 03 Box C.jpg (978.4 KiB)
      • 04 Box D.jpg (2.0 MiB)
      • 05 Box E.jpg (1.3 MiB)
      • 06 Box F.jpg (1.6 MiB)
      • 07 Front Cover.jpg (8.2 MiB)
      • 08 Full Cover.jpg (23.6 MiB)
      • 09 Inside Cover.jpg (14.5 MiB)
      • 10 Illustration.jpg (10.8 MiB)
      • 11 Booklet.jpg (9.5 MiB)
      • 12 Menu A.jpg (881.2 KiB)
      • 13 Menu B.jpg (941.6 KiB)
    • No Game No Life Zero - 1080p.mkv (6.2 GiB)

>and the subtitles for the little intro to the movie are from me

Nice meme. Waste of time for such a piece of shit movie from a HUEHUEHUE that is a known plagiarist.

This movie came after that incident without problems which means there wasn’t any major plagiarism and it was people making up shit.( Not like the LN writer is the artist. At worst, he would have replaced the artist with someone else.) Compare with GoHands’ Tokyo Babylon, there was actual plagiarism in there and the show got cancelled once higher ups found out and evaluated that the acussatios were right
To say there’s any major plagiarism in NGNL LNs is a lie

Peeps been stealing each others stories & art since caveman times. I could point at a few religious text that are nothing but campfire stories handed down… Let it go and enjoy the shit already… <_<

@DmonHiro Bait me once… Shame on you… Bait me twice?..


@Hermandshot You deserved a Headshot… If you just hate Dmon, let 's write that, bud do not fuck with the show every time, a few times already cleared this plagium shit, i guess, you are very lonely and need your mouth run when you have nobody to talk…

In my country we say - you have only one mouth, use it for eating, do not make it as ass…

Hermandshot-sama struck yet again.
I’m sorry Dmon, but BY ALLAH ☝️😔 you know in your heart Sigmandshot is always right.


more like simpmandshot. he simps for dmon :^) you can be as tsun as you want simpmandshot, we’ll still love you

Lets start it.

  • #DmonsGrils

Yeah but this film is bad and filled with pedo scenes.

Sounds like anime isn’t for you. You’re welcome to go back to American comics.

Don’t mind him, he’s just a troll.

I thought the human eye couldn’t see 1080p

Human eyes can see infinite resolution, just need to be far enough from it :)

Wait, what? Dmonhiro encoded bluray 1080p?!

DmonHiro (uploader)


Yes, I make exceptions for some movies that look absolutely gorgeous, or other reasons.

What plagiarism for this show?

Thanks for share!

plagiarism rundown:

  • Yuu Kamiya is both author and artist for No Game no Life
  • the pose for volume 5 of the book appears to have copied the pose and outline of some noname artist. if you look at it it seems pretty obvious but also totally banal. the original was fully focussed on the character and pose and Kamiyas explosion of colour and usual LN cover vfx completely overshadow it.
  • nothing ever happened which should tell you everything about this “scandal”, Kamiya always had terrible health like everyone in this godforsaken industry, which is the reason for multiple hiatusses.
  • movie still released, spinoffs and further volumes released, volume 11 was released last november after a 4 year hiatus (was released in the west earlier this month)
  • No Game No Life is still amazing, the movie is still good. retards drumming this up to be more than it actually is have nothing going on in their lives
    Anyway, I’m gonna go ahead and enjoy this movie tonight and order vol. 11 later today.

Audio appears to be messed up on the 5.1 track. There’s no audio from the rear right channel. Not sure how you screw this up. Not sure how no one noticed for 1.5 years either. This is the problem with encoders messing with audio encoding rather than just including the bluray audio track directly. They don’t really know what they’re doing.

Appears that on this file that at least the subwoofer channel got mapped to the rear-right channel. Not sure yet what else might be messed up or where the rear-right channel is at. The channel mapping for bluray 5.1 audio is supposed to be fl-fr-fc-lfe-bl-br.

Also I’m not sure where DmonHiro sourced the audio from, but it wasn’t the Japanese bluray. The audio in this file is encoded as ac3 (a low quality but bloated file size format but common on US anime blurays) whereas the Japanese bluray has linear PCM 5.1 audio (I own it). Maybe the info about the source of the video being from the Japanese bluray is also incorrect.

This release should be downgraded from green.

Shitty yellow colored subs! I don’t usually comment but I do when I see a good quality anime being ruined by colored subs.