type setting done by us. subs are OCR'd then went through and fixed all grammar issues and split multiple likes (the --<person 1> -- <person 2>)
subs are official subs, not touched by any other group.
scrfeenshot and splash added into post. click on images to open full size.
they're listed in the description, but they're `arial.ttf / ZEKTON RG.TTF / BLUE HIGHWAY LINOCUT.TTF / Taibaijan Bold Italic.otf / Taibaijan Bold.otf / Taibaijan Italic.otf / Waterlily Script.ttf / Taibaijan.otf / Satanyc Demoniac St.ttf / Broken.otf / Snowy Season.ttf / Thundercover.otf / Brushstrike trial.ttf / COOKIE-REGULAR.TTF `
the main font is Impress BT, which i accidentally forgot to mux into the mkv, but provided a DL link for it in the description.
Thanks for sharing this also enjoying the Fafner releases your doing.
@FlyingMustache Of course its corrupted funi holds the export distribution on this movie. If it says "official". That just means there no different than any other official sub for anything released today, Total garbage by funi translators. [AURG] or anyone else wouldn't need to make corrections otherwise..
Only when hardcoded subs on a theatrical release has leaked onto the internet. Is when "official" subs will be the same. Why: because they know if changes are made and it gets out a different translation was used other than what the studio that made the movie came up with. It proves intentional errors were added. So far they have been make excuses when necessary. It would be strange if a creator went online and watched something they created without compelling reasons.
The industry already knows most of what's been going on and began correcting everything a while ago. It'll take time to correct everything without losing face.
Comments - 10
AURG (uploader)
AURG (uploader)