I have decided to make a simple program that will download all these cards. Please take a look!
Source: https://github.com/ethanaobrien/sif-card-downloader
App: https://ethanaobrien.github.io/sif-card-downloader/index.html
Comment if you want. Suggest if you want.
I keep all of my torrents backed up! If the torrent dies then fill out this form!
Comments - 6
You should make your app also take the transparent versions. Most of the time, the illustration is cut off in the card.
no_homo69 (uploader)
@DmonHiro Yes! That was the thing I was forgetting! I will do that in 3 days (sorry I cant do it sooner)
no_homo69 (uploader)
Could someone send a link to the transparent cards?
I see you’ve updated the code to account for transparents, so good work!
Quick suggestion: For future uploads, I’d recommend noting the latest card release your torrent includes. (E.g. I think this one’s complete through card 2806.)
no_homo69 (uploader)
Thats a good Idea! Thanks!
super grateful for the tool, I kinda tried to do the same but I know shit about coding, so big thanks!
edit: btw could you do so it downloads the clean versions?