## [Grand Blue](https://anilist.co/anime/100922/Grand-Blue-Dreaming/) - 02 | Underwater

* I stole/borrowed/used typesetting from [Rakuen Subs](https://nyaa.si/view/1276171) (I had their permission)
* Timing - Rakuen
* Even encode and all - [Media info](https://pastebin.com/Md1Jp9si)
* TL - Manga(Kodansha Comics), Amazon
### Should be watchable.
I guess.
File list
[Devil] Grand Blue - 02 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [1436D2A2].mkv (870.7 MiB)
> TL is Amazon btw.
Originally it is CR or Amazon (one and the same thing for this)
+ A lot of manga based TL editing/changes (minor in ep 1,2 but majorly in later episodes).
Comments - 4
TheDevilsHyper (uploader)