The House in Fata Morgana Remastered PC / Fata morgana no Yakata Remastered

2021-04-18 18:55
No information.
File size:
2.1 GiB
Info hash:

Remastered version of Fata Morgana based on PS4 version of the game called The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition. It only includes base game and A Requiem for Innocence. Game is in japanese but you can install english patch from here:

File list

  • The House of Fata Morgana Remastered.exe (2.1 GiB)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve been wanting to play the remastered version for so long.

can someone explain how to apply the patch im a bit confused Q_Q

Check the instructions here:

Unzip the patch’s contents into the root of the install directory for The House in Fata Morgana Remastered and accept to overwrite existing files when asked.
The game should now be fully in English. You can change the language between Japanese and English in the Config from the main menu.

So you probably have to install Fata Morgana first and then apply the patch.

yeah i’ve seen thath, but i dont understand where i have to overwrite the files.
Tried to overwrite in “FataMorgana_Data” or “StreamingAssets” but nothing , probably im doing someting wrong!
Where did u overwrite ?

Unzip the patch’s contents into the root of the install directory, which is the directory where the FataMorgana.exe is stored.
In my case it’s FataMoragana folder, unzip it there and overwrite.

i don’t know how to apply the patch and your explanation didn’t help…


  1. Install the game
  2. Download the latest zip from this link:
  3. Browse to fata morgana folder. the folder should contain fatamorgana.exe file and FataMorgana_Data folder.
  4. Open the zip file of the patch and extract the FataMorgana_Data folder from the zip to fata morgana install folder and merge all the files.
  5. start the game and go to the options menu (i think its the 4th option), next select the system tab and change the first option
  6. profit. enjoy

Oh i downloaded the wrong file… lol sorry for that. Thanks alot now it works!

Does the remastered version includes Japanese voice acting? I remember trying the vanilla version a few years ago and while the story looked good, it was a borefest to play since there was no voice acting.

No, and no version of the core game is voiced. The only thing that’s voiced is the Reincarnation arc which is not in this version based on the description.

Ok made it , thanks guys.
Early i was doing wrong because i downloaded the wrong files i guess , insted of “FataMorganaRemasteredEN” i downloaded “fata-morgana-remasterred-english-main”.
Thank y’all for helping

Does Fata Morgana: A Requiem for Innocence have a remastered version too ?

I was planning on replaying it, thank you!

@HatsumePiko, thanks for the Mega DDL.

just felt like one thing needs to be said
the resolution is indeed better in this version
but the old versions are still good for a certain reason
and that is the original artist worked on them but due to illness could not do so for the ps4/remastered version
so the artwork is not as atmospheric as before
i suggest people to seed and download and enjoy the original version first or at least once as it is one of the best VNs ever made

The patch doesn’t seem to be working for me, tried extracting and replacing the files with the one in the description, FataMorganaRemasteredEN 1.1 and 1.0 but none of them worked

I’d recommend using this patch instead of the one mentioned in the description, since it allows one to experience ALL of the content in the Dreams edition:

It says french on the link, but it’s also in english