Everyone, If you want to watch OVA 2/OAD 2, then I need your help.
I’m currently making subs for Dokyuu Hentai HxEROS OVA/OAD 2 but duration is 8:29 to 23:40 does not appear in manga version because I tried to look some chapter in manga which is similar to OVA 2 except chapter 18.5
That’s why I need your help to make English sub if you know how to speak or learn Japanese language.
Then please join discord. Thank you.
My discord account name is “Kurumi Shido#0132” and chat with me in discord about OVA 2/OAD 2
Comments - 1
Everyone, If you want to watch OVA 2/OAD 2, then I need your help.
I’m currently making subs for Dokyuu Hentai HxEROS OVA/OAD 2 but duration is 8:29 to 23:40 does not appear in manga version because I tried to look some chapter in manga which is similar to OVA 2 except chapter 18.5
That’s why I need your help to make English sub if you know how to speak or learn Japanese language.
Then please join discord. Thank you.
My discord account name is “Kurumi Shido#0132” and chat with me in discord about OVA 2/OAD 2
Discord link >> https://discord.gg/xyf8zBf