I’m not taking requests, I’m only upscaling and uploading colored manga I have or others have given me
This is an upscaled version of the raws ripped by aKraa
Yes, most official releases are done in a low resolution and the upscale looks better. if you don’t like it, download a different version or buy it yourself.
I don’t understand why people get ridiculous and sensitive when they talk about giving credit to someone as if this were a points site here you are free to upload if you want or not. i appreciate the upload i don’t care if it is akraa or not.
read cbz: pc gonvisor.
can someone upload the movies with that quality and size? I have seen them in digital but they are small https://www.kanzenshuu.com/manga/film-comics/
I have not seen the series of dragon ball and dragon ball z in black and white with this quality in digital either.
Thanks KojoUn
I was a little skeptical about if this version would be worth it, but after downloading I can say that it is. While the upscale does result in line quality that looks a bit more like soft brush digital art than Toriyama’s traditional fountain pen on paper, I think it’s worth it. All text is significantly more readable. Also I do think aKraa’s tag should not have been removed from the filenames, but crediting them in the description is still good enough.
I’ll link a screenshot comparing the original version from aKraa at 200% zoom with KojoUn’s upscale at 100% so you can see for yourself. https://i.ibb.co/WHbKYDv/DBcolor-Compare.png
@KOWBOY i already read it cunt head. nowhere does it force you to do it is your freedom to do it or not but for common sense yes and if you don’t have it? lol
What’s a good site or app that lets you upscale by the batch with drag and drop? Waifu2x only lets you upscale a photo, one by one.
EDIT: I should’ve mentioned that I’m on mac so .exe files wont work for me and that I don’ know how to use github files once they’re downloaded.
Comments - 26
Upscaling doesn’t make the file yours. You should at least credit the original ripper.
ooooo fuckin awesome
como visualizo archivos .cbz ? Gracias
I’ll credit the original. The original that this used was aKraa.
KojoUn (uploader)
I updated the description with credits already
Is everything you’ve been uploading upscaled? Jesus nigger WTF are you doing?
KojoUn (uploader)
Yes, most official releases are done in a low resolution and the upscale looks better. if you don’t like it, download a different version or buy it yourself.
What method is used for upscaling? What algorithm uses?? I would like to know to decide whether to delete the files and stop sharing.
KojoUn (uploader)
Waifu2x Level 1 using the 2-D illust (CUnet Model)
Ok, thanks.
@Gale puedes haces 2 cosas:
I don’t understand why people get ridiculous and sensitive when they talk about giving credit to someone as if this were a points site here you are free to upload if you want or not. i appreciate the upload i don’t care if it is akraa or not.
read cbz: pc gonvisor.
Are these with english translations, french, or raw?
What’s a good site or app that lets you upscale by the batch with drag and drop? Waifu2x only let’s you upscale a photo, one by one.
KojoUn (uploader)
Waifu2x-caffe, you just need to have a computer with a good graphics card.
can someone upload the movies with that quality and size? I have seen them in digital but they are small
I have not seen the series of dragon ball and dragon ball z in black and white with this quality in digital either.
Thanks KojoUn
@surume Stop being such a dickhead. Go read the rules.
I was a little skeptical about if this version would be worth it, but after downloading I can say that it is. While the upscale does result in line quality that looks a bit more like soft brush digital art than Toriyama’s traditional fountain pen on paper, I think it’s worth it. All text is significantly more readable. Also I do think aKraa’s tag should not have been removed from the filenames, but crediting them in the description is still good enough.
I’ll link a screenshot comparing the original version from aKraa at 200% zoom with KojoUn’s upscale at 100% so you can see for yourself.
@KOWBOY i already read it cunt head. nowhere does it force you to do it is your freedom to do it or not but for common sense yes and if you don’t have it? lol
What’s a good site or app that lets you upscale by the batch with drag and drop? Waifu2x only lets you upscale a photo, one by one.
EDIT: I should’ve mentioned that I’m on mac so .exe files wont work for me and that I don’ know how to use github files once they’re downloaded.
Thank you for the release :)
KojoUn (uploader)
Here is the link to english releases: https://mangadex.org/title/20959/dragon-ball-digital-colored-comics
I am only interesting in japanese
thanks, this is much easier to read
can you upload english releases? https://mangadex.org/title/20959/dragon-ball-digital-colored-comics
THANKS, KojoUn!!