A random pack of Powerpuff Girls episode in japanese dub, ripped from Cartoon Network Japan Youtube Channel.
The numbering of the episodes is mess up, they are not in order, you can check the number from here: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/パワーパフガールズ#各話リスト.
If anyone has other episode in japanese dub, please write his contact telegram or discord in the comments.
Comments - 6
seed, please.
seed, please.
mvpgdb (uploader)
Sorry, I don’t have any seedboxes, so I can only seed when I use my computer. Be patient.
Weird question but is the Japanese dub for a season 2 episode of the original series called “Mo Job” in these files? I believe it is called プリンセスの野望 in Japanese
I have been looking for this episode for a long time and if it’s not in here, I’d really like to find a torrent of it somewhere
mvpgdb (uploader)
@cevichecee Sorry I don’t have. I found it on videomarket.jp but I don’t have account and it’s not free, so. If I find it, may I can contact you.
@mvpgdb That is okay, if you find the episode somehow, my discord is: GEGEGE#2860
It is an important search for myself and an entire group so any help would be appreciated