[SCY] Attack on Titan The Final Season - 06 (WEB 1080p Hi10 AAC)

2021-01-18 17:07
File size:
1.5 GiB
Info hash:

Hang out in my Discord here.

- 1080p -
Audio Track 1: Japanese 2.0 AAC

Subtitle Track 1: English Dialogue [DameDesuYo] (.ASS)

More info on sources and filtering can be found here. Many thanks to ThePi7on for the QC!
Fixed a handful of issues with the subtitles this week. Most of the glaring errors should be gone.


File list

  • [SCY] Attack on Titan The Final Season - 06 (WEB 1080p Hi10 AAC) [14AD4E01].mkv (1.5 GiB)

Thank you. Though. Just curious, what kind of issues did you fix with the subtitles?

Scyrous (uploader)


@uberasian - missing words, lines being italicized for no reason, missing OP/ED KFX, wrong next episode TS

DDY rushing to try to beat simulcast that they’re leaving a lot of random mistakes in the subs that they’d easy catch if they slowed down and did some actual QC.

This is how it was back in the day when groups hurried to release the speedsubs to get as many downloads as possible.

Can anyone tell me which release is better ? Judas or SCY ?

Avoid Judas if you care about video/audio quality and do not have a data cap or slow connection speed, they are a reencode group. SCY doesn’t reencode, it encodes directly from the source, hence better video and audio quality. Subs are probably better too.

I seem to have a lot of problem with Judas… no matter what video player Im trying to use - vlc, GOM or KMplayer…
with this last ep with Judas vlc gave the best results, but it froze in the middle information page with the info on the Warhammer Titan, but sound kept going, so I had to skip ahead in the video to skip that part and the video would keep going in synch.
with GOM player it was laggy as hell at the CGI moving scenes, like when they move between buildings and such…
KMPlayer I totally lost it in the middle part, like the subs disappeared and the video player didnt respond, just kept going, so I had to force it to quit…

I dunno if all of these issues with Judas are my laptops fault, but my experiences…

vlc, GOM or KMplayer…

Try using a real video player

vlc, GOM or KMplayer

i’m impressed you managed to find these 3 video players without even stumbling onto a better one

Always the best. Thanks!



@Interruptor We (Judas) encode from what is most probably the exact same source as SCY. The main difference is that Judas uses a higher rate factor and will therefore be smaller and lower quality. How much lower is subjective, so its up to the end user to decide what they want. I’m (Judas’ Script writer for AoT) also just not as experienced as SCY, so his filtering is most probably better than mine + I assume he’s scenefiltering for this, which will help a bit.

TL;DR Just download and look at both, then decide for yourselves.

@Wendigo That’s most probably a combination of shit players and older hardware. The tradeoff with high compression is harder to decode video, and so either your GPU is unable to decode HEVC 10 bit, or your CPU is only just keeping up until it has to process the subs. I’d suggest trying a good video player (mpv for example, which also has the benefit of being extremely light on the system), or just using a different release, this one being my recommendation. You can always feel free to join our discord and ask for help if you need it :)

Thanks, this really does look much better than the early releases even the cgi seems to have benefited from the filtering.


Thanks for the response.

I dont really know what makes a video player good, as I was using whatever I was using from the past 5-10 years, as if I have no issue, I had no reason to search for other players, and beforehand, KMPlayer, vlc or GOM worked fine… wasnt aware they are considered crap apparently, I gave a search out of curiosity what are the most recommended players in 2021 and GOM and vlc are pretty much always in the top 5 on various sites.,

an issue for me is I have to meddle with separate subtitles a lot of times, like resynchronizing srt with the audio when I dont find appropriate English sub for the right release, I cant seem to find these options with MPV. could you name a couple of other players recommended?