Haruki Natsukawa is a pilot in the “Strage” robot arm of the Japan branch of the Earth Defense Force. A new ultra hero descends before him who continues to fight day and night to protect the peace of the earth!
The name is Ultraman Zette. He is a hot-blooded man who claims to be a disciple of Ultraman Zero.
A new Ultra story opens when they are in one place before the attack of the ferocious Space Shark Genegag!
This pack includes Ultraman Z episode 1 to 3 in 1080p with stylized subtitles for opening, ending, names, transformations and some other stuff.
I will be uploading the whole series, so keep a eye out for the next 3 pack.
VIdeo Source:
Sub Source: The Official TSUBURAYA PROD Youtube Channel.
EDIT: I fixed alot of mistakes with the first three episodes as I am working on the series pack, here are the updated subs, you can remux them in.
Here are some snippets.
Comments - 11
How soon can you complete this? Final episode is next week.
JimmyThicc (uploader)
Hopefully in a week but MagicStar doesn’t upload the episodes right when they come out, so I have to wait till they do.
@JimmyThicc Thanks.
thank you. lookin forward for the rest.
All the HD raws are complete now. Looking forward to your work.
“EDIT: I fixed alot of mistakes with the first three episodes as I am working on the series pack, here are the updated subs, you can remux them in.”
With this being said, is the series pack going to include these 3 episodes?
JimmyThicc (uploader)
@Mighty_Action_X Yes, but I recommend getting the ones in the pack, I just checked for the new eps, it will be out before 2021.
Thanks man!
@JimmyThicc Thanks.
JimmyThicc (uploader)
@Mighty_Action_X As promised,