## [Jujutsu Kaisen](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40748/Jujutsu_Kaisen_TV) - 04 | Curse Womb Must Die

* I Just Edited the TS'd Signs to eng from different language subs + Some Signs from [StayHidden](https://nyaa.si/user/StayHidden)
* OP /ED kfx also from different sub group + I don't even have the slightest idea how to typeset else I would have.
* This is my first time doing something like this so feel free to meme the shit out of me in the comments
* [DDL](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Emt97q2OOmQ1Gs-iRo1Mvx9SMeq6xm_f/view?usp=sharing) If torrent doesn't work.
* Video Source - SubsPlease
* Subs-SubsPlease as base, [Kuro Diamond Subs](https://kurodiamondsubs.blogspot.com/p/jujutsu-kaisen.html) + [Kashikoi Fansub](https://www.kashikoisubs.net/index.php/proyecto/jujutsu-kaisen/) for Signs and OP/ED
* Eng Audio-[Golumpa](https://nyaa.si/view/1313678)
#### I hope some subgroup does this show
That looks like a really promising project :) - Thanks for that!
I noticed the font for the Jujutsu Kaisen title is missing in episode 3+4 - unless that was an intentional change. Then it is all good.
No worries :).
Not sure what a font collector is but I always used an mkv-dummy file containing all attachments like fonts that might appear in one of my episodes and add it to the remux.
And if use a new font I just add it to the dummy-file :).
Doesn't matter if all fonts are used or not in the end, that only makes a few kB difference... but always made sure I had no missing fonts in the end :)
Comments - 8
TheDevilsHyper (uploader)
TheDevilsHyper (uploader)