[Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III - 04 [VRV][1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv

2020-10-23 21:39 UTC
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1.4 GiB
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  • [Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III - 04 [VRV][1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv (1.4 GiB)
Thanks erai, better version than the previous !

Erai-raws (uploader)

@YouTube the raw only
@YouTube VRV video has far more better video quality than the cr release
too many versions, are you not tired
I also think there are too many versions. And honestly, do we really care about a slightly better source? We care about seeing the new episodes as they air, so as fast as possible. Those shows we love, we get the BR or wait for BRRips. So I don't really see the point of downloading this...
@MadBat : Some people don't watch it straight away, and to those, a good version is better than a shitty one. Same for those who wish to save the episodes on some drive..
@MadBat So you are okay with CR's banding release & satisfied?what a stupid point of view watching an over banded release & opposing to the point of not doing better release.If you are okay with CR's too much banding release doesn't mean others are okay with it.Just filter your client with the release which come first.
>Those shows we love, we get the BR or wait for BRRips. So I don’t really see the point of downloading this… lots of anime never have BDs uploaded these days
^ And some shows I don't mind not having the BD's since the releases some times are to erratic, so having the best airing release actually helps a lot.
By the way are you going to release batches of these?
VRV isn't much better than CR. If the banding really bothers you, you'd be downloading Zastin's encode: https://nyaa.si/user/Zastin?f=0&c=0_0&q=dungeon+III He uses a much better source than either VRV or CR while also applying some actual debanding.
that's when erai's gone wrong. sad v_v
Well said ChaoXide. And as for "some" shows don't get a BD release, well sure, but last time I checked, I posted my rant on a DanMachi episode... Watching CR or VRV makes no difference, as long as i've sated my hunger for some more epic anime. And I'll keep the BD release when it's available like I did with S1 and S2...
>And I’ll keep the BD release when it’s available like I did with S1 and S2… so what? i've seen anime that had BDs uploaded for multiple seasons suddenly stop. there's no guarantee unless you can see the future.
@MadBat: No, idiot, not everyone care about seeing it "as fast as possible". Please don't speak for everyone. Just because most people have low standards doesn't mean we all have to settle for less. You're part of the reason nobody but Erai gives a damn about higher quality: because most sheep will watch whatever comes out first, regardless of quality.

Erai-raws (uploader)

It seems a lot of people didn't understand the meaning of the team name yet
Sadly, it's a too hard a concept for some. I mean, people didn't get what the "Horrible" part of "Horrible-Subs" meant. Erai, you just keep doing good stuff. Most people appreciate it. The trolls are the loudest though.
thank you for the higher quality vid, thank you for doing this, thank you for your effort... but... how many more versions will there be? will there be a vrv v0?, vrv v1? vrv v1001? when does it stop? i honestly just want to watch the episode... then wait for the BD to download and move to library... will you now be releasing 3 or more versions for each file..? should i wait now for the vrv for each file? is the vrv a 1 off.. just for this week? thanks again
@Calcifer: It's actually easy, since only three shows are getting VRV. You should never watch a V0 though. Simply exclude the V0s form your search. Since the VRV comes out after CRs (I assume), just remember to wait for that one for those three shows.
it hasn't happened yet but this will surely give a few chuckles. versioning of v0 like how will you write that Funi show v0 v1.mkv
@MadBat I'm not into your "everyone" level. Typeset is important and I'll take if someone has everything better
So I was curious to check what the difference between this & the first release is & I dl them both & put them side by side to see with my own eyes, the only difference I spotted after very careful observation is a bit better color on the VRV release that's it, other than that couldn't see any other differences, if there is any other difference that I can't see plz enlighten me :P
VRV is basically if Sentai didn't send Crunchyroll the bad version of the master. Any show that's on both HIDIVE and CR you can expect CR to have wrong colors (this was true on Peter Grill last season as well). So yeah if you don't wanna wait on my release/love banding/hate me/etc, at least try to wait for this. > He uses a much better source than either VRV or CR while also applying some actual debanding. I can't take credit for based AoD's encoder, he's the one debanding it from the master (I am blasting the fuck out of the VRV video before using it to dehardsub tho)
@MadBat as Luxury said.. im one of those who saves all anime to HDD I don't want to download and save low quality or dubtitled anime..
@Erai-raws thanks for the awesome share.
i had one quetion , is the VRV version going to be released along side the CR one constantly or in batches dont mind waiting couple of hours for better quality ^-^
Madbat is right in the sense the majority of people couldn't care less about this nitpicking...I mean, sure, it's nice to have multiple versions, but it's hardly a matter of cr being unwatchable...geez
That's how far the anime ripping community has fallen. Back in the fan subbing days, you'd settle for what you get for, but everyone strived to make a decent release with what people had to work with. Now with multiple sources to choose from, there is no excuse for releasing shitty rips. In fact what would be better is if people also stopped rippiing from VRV/CR/Funi in general and go back to fan subbing. i'd be willing to wait.