HAYAKU is a community created for uploaders by uploaders.
Interested in buying CDs as a group? Are you an active ripper?
Contact us at hayaku-tan@protonmail.com to join.
Requests for uploads will be ignored.
Current projects:
[2005.03.25] N/A ~ ANIMEX 1200 116 Choujuu Sentai Liveman Ongakushuu [CD][COCC-72116]
[2000.03.08] N/A ~ Kyoro-chan Deshu/Kyoro-chan Ekaki Uta [CD][SVWD-9016]
[2018.03.05] majiko ~ Aube Bonus CD [CD][N/A]
Comments - 2
Can you do LACA-15829 and LACA-9751~3 it’s not release yet but maybe in the future
Probably not since they will most likely get uploaded to the Chinese sites.
but if they don’t
Rules for crowdfunding
This is not a charity, if you want to request to crowdfund an album you have to contribute to it.
Um that’s it.
if you want me to buy and rip you’re gonna have to put a bit in.