If you recall about a month ago, I uploaded the 11th episode of WGP with manual color correction due to the Blu Ray source having scenes that are missing on the film they scanned and using DVD shots as a result.
That episode however, is not the only episode in the series to have that issue. Ep.21 has an issue with 1 minor scene which I fixed. However I also redid Ep.11 using Automatic correction and it ended up having better results than my last work.
And since these are the only WGP episodes with such issues this torrent contains the episodes you need since the other 49 episodes are completely unaffected.
P.S like the last one this is not a Square Subs affiliated project.
Note that the mixed out scenes are in 480p while the Blu Ray ones are scanned in 1080p, unfortunately nothing I can do there.
![alt text][logo]
[logo]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/330675341804961793/743817119820414984/vlcsnap-2020-08-14-15h58m00s504.png "Let's & Go WGP Ep.11"
![alt text][logo2]
[logo2]:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/330675341804961793/743817150220730418/vlcsnap-2020-08-14-15h59m38s269.png "Let's & Go WGP Ep.21"
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