Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z first episodes and TV specials' previews

2020-07-27 17:58
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Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z first episodes and TV specials’ previews

As we know, at long last and after all these years, high-quality projects of the series appear to be well-headed for conclusion. One thing that’s frequently missing, though, are the previews of the first episodes and of the specials.

To be sure, high-quality versions of some of them don’t actually exist and had to be reconstructed by fans using Dragon Box footage, but in any case these are nice little complements to the final release of the series that should be archived along with them. Also, even though the audio of course comes from recordings (there’s no other source after all…), we now have better versions, so I took the liberty to sync them.

This isn’t supposed to be a definitive release. It’s more of a gathering of the best materials available, some of which aren’t very easy to obtain right now, so that anyone can use them as they see fit.

  • Dragon Ball episode 001 preview

Preview remade by Ashura: [Ashura] Dragon Ball - First Episode Preview.mkv
Audio source used in this sync: DB001.flac (Anonymous)

  • Dragon Ball Z episode 001 preview

Preview remade by Deli295: Dragon Ball Z Episode 001 Preview.mkv
Audio source used in this sync: DB153.flac (Anonymous)

  • Dragon Ball Z TV special 1 preview

This one isn’t actually missing but, since most of the high quality releases I’ve seen thus far have omitted it, I decided to include the best audio source that I know of. I’m not including the video, as you may prefer to use the one from the Japanese Dragon Box Z Volume 1 extras or the one from the Special Selection DVD, and you may prefer to have it attached to the beginning of the special or as a separate file. But, regardless of what you choose, at least you already have the audio (not sure where I got it, but I seem to recall it was Deli295 who uploaded this broadcast recording somewhere).

  • Dragon Ball Z TV special 2 preview

Preview remade by Pendekar: [Pendekar] Dragon Ball Z - TV Special 2 Preview [Dragon Box].mkv
Audio source used in this sync: TVSP2 Preview.avi (AnimeMaakuo)

You may prefer to keep only the first half (the second is a preview for DBZ movie 08). Deli295’s attempt (2nd Dragon Ball Z TV Special Preview.mkv) did exactly that, but I find Pendekar’s video to be better here, so I split the file with MKVToolNix and synched the audio again (with a fading effect at the end). Of note: Deli295’s audio is louder, but not necessarily better than the one from the .avi file.

Also, I prefer the fact that in the subtitles Deli295 went along with “I’m Goku!” instead of Pendekar’s “It’s me, Goku!”. Makes it consistent with the rest and is actually Funimation’s choice too.

What about GT?

No, I did not neglect GT. I actually love GT and sincerely wish GTeam or someone else to take care of it soon.

But GT is not the problem here. The first episode preview is already included at the end of iKaos’ Z episode 291 and GTeam already did the TV special. However, if you want to have your go at it, here are the sources you should use:

  • Dragon Ball GT episode 01 preview

Video source: Japanese Dragon Box GT extras
Audio source: Z289-291.wav (AnimeMaakuo)
Subtitles: for example, https://nyaa.si/view/1261710 (at the end of Z episode 291)

  • Dragon Ball GT TV special preview

Video & audio source: Japanese Dragon Box GT extras
Subtitles: for example, https://nyaa.si/view/1261710

File list

  • Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z first episodes and TV specials' previews
    • DBZ_001
      • Dragon Ball Z Episode 001 Preview.flac (2.3 MiB)
      • Dragon Ball Z Episode 001 Preview.mkv (46.5 MiB)
    • DBZ_SP1
      • Dragon Ball Z TV Special 1Preview (Broadcast).mkv (31.8 MiB)
    • DBZ_SP2
      • 2nd Dragon Ball Z TV Special Preview.mkv (24.7 MiB)
      • Dragon Ball Z - TV Special 2 Preview.flac (1.0 MiB)
      • Dragon Ball Z - TV Special 2 Preview.mkv (8.0 MiB)
      • [Pendekar] Dragon Ball Z - TV Special 2 Preview [Dragon Box].flac (2.2 MiB)
      • [Pendekar] Dragon Ball Z - TV Special 2 Preview [Dragon Box].mkv (18.3 MiB)
    • DB_001
      • [Ashura] Dragon Ball - First Episode Preview.flac (2.6 MiB)
      • [Ashura] Dragon Ball - First Episode Preview.mkv (42.8 MiB)

i have the short next episode previews using dbox video+broadcast audio that were made at the time for the broadcast in japan, much like the tvsp2 preview with movie 8 tickets contest.
here is a few exemples:

i made them all (db dbz and dbgt) but i need someone to help at least translate the dbz previews, because dbgt and db are done.
there are 41 dbz short previews to translate.
if anyone is able to help me out translate, so i can upload the here, let me know.

Those FLAC files are strangely low in size.

For 30-second long audios I really don’t see how that size is strange TBH. Sounds about right if you ask me.

@correvlr, Hope you can find a translator and upload it here soon! And if you can’t, please upload the videos with broadcast audio anyway!



Thoses are fake …ashura one is the closest from broadcast cause except title card that couldnt be fake and the use of à wrong part with dragon ball brighting hé édited frames to make them match but dbz first ep preview show footage that aren t in the original trailer cause the true one use unaired frames same for tvsp2 one …using wrong footage can t be called reconstruction or remaster it s just à fake

Dude… Everyone knows that. And I don’t think anyone here is denying it either… Should be pretty clear from the description, right?

Thanks for the upload, appreciate the detailed descriptions. For the record Deli’s Z preview reconstruction will be at the end of DB 153 in my upcoming release, and I’ll probably add the Special previews into the Z batch.

Two comments complaining about super specific things and one comment spamming an unrelated project - never change Nyaa.

@iKaos, will you add Ashura’s DB FEP as well? Thanks for all your hard work.

dang why does every Z torrent become this cancer ? yall making us look bad infront of the normies saying stupid shit like this lmaooooo



i love comments coming from people that shared litteraly nothing and only gathered everything he could find on the web, of course you build terabytes of content but none was your own work, even if you have things that dissapeared since it don’t change that originally you only took others stuffs and was the first one happy that people are doing torrent etc, else your collection would have been zero content…I agree that this fandom is toxic but not mostly cause of people that comments or make criticized but mostly hoarders that take everything from others but provide zero to others only because theirs existence should be so poor that only theirs collections is what make them existed, thoses people that never wanted to shared broadcast audios with others but was the firsts ones coming and downloading every content they can from everywhere and everyone but litteraly cry like little virgin once you asked them something to them

about my comments, it’s constructive, using wrong footage to build preview is just making a fake, in no case it’s worthy, if you can’t redraw, edit footage to match 100% the source then just use the source, it’s not like if db first episode preview or dbz first nep wasn’t availlable only in poor quality

you have several youtube videos with people drawing and animated things to make fake ending so the best would be to find one to remastered the originals frames like they should be and with the same mistakes to be authentic

@DBM, again, everyone knows that. And everyone’s free to archive Ashura/Deli/Pendekar/corre’s previews if they so choose. I for one am glad to have them, especially with better audio, and apparently I’m not the only one…



@johnster, i understand that some people could be glad, just that some people that could have truly remastered them will probably never do it cause the way thoses recreations are spread will make others thinking that it’s a true reconstruction and that there is no need to make an accurate recreation
that’s why it’s bothering, a little like when people spread to much some release inferior that make better disappeared

could have truly remastered

Do you mean the film or AI Upscaler? The latter isn’t really that great for animation, when you end up looking closer (and even from afar, too).



i mean that some people are able to draw dragon ball or like someone that did a 16/9 version of goku against freezer and make animation little like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwCLTkLKosQ

so it’s perfectly possible that someone with this knowledge to make thoses nep like they would have been on dbox without replacing frames or anything else, doing a 100% accurate one

@DBM, that looks nothing like traditional animation. You simply cannot replicate the look and texture of film with the cheap techniques used in modern anime. That would require Miyazaki-level budget and expertise.

Also, editing old VHS recordings, some of which further compressed by YouTube, would never provide the kind of picture quality one can get from the DVD. Yes, those are the real deal and they’re always there for those who want them, but the point of remaking them with Dragon Box footage is exactly to simulate, even if imperfectly, what they would look like had they been preserved by Toei.

And anyone invested in doing a better job than this would surely know that these previews are just fan edits. In any case, the result would never be exactly identical to the originals.



@johnster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUl9vfz0aZY
it’s the evidence that it is possible, it’s an extended on both side of this scene, so it mean that everything on left and right was animated and drawn by a fan and it’s perfectly done, so it mean that you can replicate the old style if you do something like "tracing"
the thing is that none of thoses that have this ability tried to do it

That looks very good for a fan work, but it’s not the same as what these previews are trying to achieve. It has that plastic Kai “remastered” feel.

I’m not saying there’s no way to improve the remade previews. Just that there’s no way to recreate the exact original sequences while preserving the film texture the rest of the series possesses. Sure it can get close enough, and even more if professional resources were available, but it’ll never be exactly the same.

^ Fan-upscales aren’t allowed on Nyaa, buddy.

I get why official upscales are though, they sometimes are somewhat of an improvement along with lossless audio (again, not always).

I’ve removed various comments and spam, kindly stop being autistic over dragon ball on this website, thanks.


Thank you very much! I’m extremely grateful for cleaning up the spam on mine, too.

Great, now I can answer @Johnster. I could possibly add the “recreation” (of course it’s not the real one, it’s not rocket science), the challenge is finding audio to use for the English tracks. But I looked around and there’s some trailers I could pull from. So I’ll consider it.



@johnster its YouTube compression after that you can add fake grain but as frames Will be match si i think better récréation…at least could be fine if someone did it

@iKaos, thanks for letting us know. Hope you can find the audio you want so you can include the preview in the final batch.

@DBM, YouTube compression has nothing to do with that. That picture is blurred like in Kai (or Funi’s “remaster”), and as a result despite being in 1080p it’s still got way less fine detail than the Dragon Box. And fake grain is quite noticeably not the same as real grain, it’s not even an option to consider if you’re going for the original film look.

I don’t even know what the issue is anymore TBH. Of course you can always improve Ashura/Deli/Pendekar’s results if you put enough resources into it, but it’s never going to be a perfect recreation; and using the kind of methods typical of modern animation certainly won’t be of any help if one’s aiming for the Dragon Box’s film texture.



you don’t get my point, i mean that he surely had to denoise the source , to allow him “extending” footage , anyway i don’t mean getting a 100% exact same experience than using true frames from dbox but i’d rather like accurate frame in the content than using others , ashura except the glowing dragon ball part , it can only be perfect if you are able to move all dragon ball and filled content to match broadcast , deli it’s impossible only cause some frames simply aren’t in the final part (like radditz with scaouter), some goku showing his hand to gohan is extended in the trailer than in final ep etc
pendekar you can match 100% broly part of the trailer cause it was remastered in one selecta dvd for movies (don’t remember which one) in the extra (and it use yellow hair broly)

Yes there is some shots that are not in the final video broadcasted at the time, i know this because like i said in the first post in this torrent, i redid the the best i could and some shots are hard to make similar, those two are a few exemples, but i remember some others, like on trailer of dbz gohan is running away from the tiger, or in episode 9 nep broadcasted with the movie ticket information, there is a yamcha shot when he is preparing to hit the ball in the baseball game its a black background, but in the final release there isnt any shot like that.
And another for episode 63nep with preview of dr slump, there is a shot of goku with the sky in the background, and in the actual episode that sane frames have the tournament arena behind goku.

@correvlr, please upload your versions when they’re ready. If you see you’re unable to get a translator, please upload them anyway. And also the original broadcast videos if you still have them.

Here’s a discussion worth having haha :D

I left this unlocked thinking you all might behave after I commented, guess I expected too much. Next time I probably will just lock immediately after any disturbance.

Also if you shitpost too much you will be banned.

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