Haruki Natsukawa is a pilot in the “Strage” robot arm of the Japan branch of the Earth Defense Force. A new ultra hero descends before him who continues to fight day and night to protect the peace of the earth!
The name is Ultraman Zette. He is a hot-blooded man who claims to be a disciple of Ultraman Zero.
A new Ultra story opens when they are in one place before the attack of the ferocious Space Shark Genegag!
Source: The Official TSUBURAYA PROD Youtube Channel.
Comments - 5
Wow, thanks.
say, you think you could upload the live-action Korean show, Legend Hero Samgugjeon, from its official YouTube channel of its episodes and in 720p format?
JimmyThicc (uploader)
@kaiserstart I;ll look into it, expect some news in a day or two :)
JimmyThicc (uploader)
JimmyThicc (uploader)
For those who download this, I will be making a batch of all Ultraman Z with opening subtitles and stylized by me, I hope everyone likes them when It comes out!