Takeshi's Castle 86 (1988)

2020-05-06 20:49 UTC
No information.
File size:
718.0 MiB
Info hash:
Episode: Takeshi's Castle 86 Air Date: 1st April 1988 Source: MXC DVD Vol. 5 Encoder: 2ndfire Codecs: AV1/Opus CRF: 38 Resolution: 720x540 Framerate: 59.94 (QTGMC bobbed deinterlace) Audio Bitrate: 64k Subtitles: OCR'd Vobsub Commands: ffmpeg -i infile -x264opts no-deblock -vf crop=696:476:12:4,bwdif=mode=1,format=yuv444p,atadenoise,pp7=qp=5:0,nlmeans=s=3:r=3:rc=3 -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 0 -acodec opus -b:a 64k -threads 16 outfile.mkv waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan: models-upconv_7_photo, nr=2, s=2 ffmpeg -i infile -vcodec libaom-av1 -crf 38 -g 900 -cpu-used 2 -row-mt 0 -b:v 0 -vf scale=720:540 -sws_flags lanczos -acodec copy -strict -2 outfile.mkv

File list

  • Takeshi's Castle 86.mkv (718.0 MiB)
This is unexpected but very cool
Dude this is AWESOME!
Does anyone have more subbed Takeshi's castle? I have MXC which is great, And the English/Australian dubbed version, but I would like the real genuine show with just subtitles.
Thanks for this. Any chance you have episode 75 as well? To my knowledge, that's the only other English subbed episode from the MXC DVDs that hasn't shown up online yet. Also, for anyone looking for the other subbed episodes (eps.1, 61, 67 and 93), try checking the Keshi Heads forums. I don't have links, but you should be able to find them in their "Takeshi Cloud" or in various threads if you do a little digging. Keep in mind that the video quality may not be great on some of them, though.
this forum? bkeshiheads.runboard.com i found one "Takeshi Cloud" 1drv cloud drive link which is dead

2ndfire (uploader)

No. I got the original (MPEG-2/AC3 dvd remux) from the takeshi's cloud. I'd need either the MXC dvd rips (if someone has the mxc dvds, let me know), or the 2nd vol of takeshi's castle(JP release). I have a rip of the 1st vol of takeshi's castle(JP release), but no subs (MXC variants have subs.)
@sameer That's the one. I hadn't visited the site in a while so I didn't realize the cloud was down. Sorry for the confusion. @2ndfire: Gotcha. Thanks all the same.
Hello, can you upload the episode 30, 60, and 68 of original Takeshi Castle episode in Japanese version? It didn't have to be subbed, I just need it in the best quality available. Many thanks in advance.

2ndfire (uploader)

I plan to if those are on the first dvd boxset. I'm working on Akira, welcome to the NHK, Cowboy bebop, and a few others first though.