Alternative Sphere English Translation Patch v1.2.1
Unpack to the directory where your Alternative Sphere game is currently
installed. The installer *will overwrite original files*, so you might
consider making a backup beforehand.
This patch can be applied to the Japanese version of Alternative Sphere or
to the previous versions of this patch.
After that, simply run the game.
Further reading
For more information about the game itself see manual\index.html in your
Alternative Sphere game directory. We've also translated this manual, so
please see it for the story, characters description, technical info and
Known bugs
Replays from Japanese version don't play correctly due to the different
dialogues timing. You still can use them to start playing from an arbitrary
### version 1.2.1 ###
Automatic creation of UserData\* directories. That fixes the bug which causes
game state files not being saved on fresh install from some sources.
Thanks Star of the Maiden & Anonymous!
### version 1.2 ###
* Translations of collections (achievements) and endings screens
* Lots of small lexical/syntax errors fixes (thanks to Croco for streaming
and finding these!)
### version 1.1 ###
Fixed a few errors in the translation itself, no changes in the code
### version 1.0.1 ###
Initial release
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