ARIA+ Aqua+ Special Navigations (2001-2008) Complete Manga (fan scans)

2020-04-29 14:44 UTC
File size:
728.0 MiB
Info hash:
(prequel) Aqua v01-02+ Special Navigation chapters (sequel) Aria v01-12+ Special Navigation chapters + Special Navigations from Perfect Guidebooks: 1."The Little Girl and The Old Gentleman" 2."Small Autumn" 3."Starting Off" GENERAL: -added missing pages (see "Specific" below) -added missing Special Navigations (see "Specific" below) -split double page images (did not touch paintings spread over two pages) -removed folders, organized images (Aria_v01_001...) and placed in .cbz archives Specific: I gathered all the materials I could find in order to fill missing parts, so now it is a complete series. 2 volumes from ADV manga, others mostly translated from Blade Comics, and missing parts added from Tokyopop Aqua v02 -added missing page 90, added Special Navigation "Colds and Pudding" (pg.133-155) and added it to the table of contents page -added chapter "Enter Hero" between chapter 07 and 08 -split double page images (did not touch paintings spread over two pages) -added cover Aqua v01 -added cover Aria v04 -split double page images (did not touch paintings spread over two pages) aria v12 -added Special Navigation "Aquaria" (final chapter 60.5) Other volumes underwent treatment described in "General" above Sources: MangaSee Mangakakalots

File list

So the masterpiece i presume this is the 5 tokoy pop volumes?
So Aria is official? all of it?

hong_hua (uploader)

@Shellshock hey, I cheked and saw that Aria/Aria the masterpiece were name of the same thing, so I have included both in description (so people can find more easily). By the way, some missing parts I added were from Tokyopop and 2 volumes are official (ADV manga). Others are mainly translated from Blade Comics. hope it helps

hong_hua (uploader)

@Rameez3484 Hello, if you worry about content spread over two pages like views of scenery or any other paintings, I did not split them. I split only regular pages because it was hard to read on smaler screen. In my opinion, it's better to read separated pages on PC/Smartphone/Tablet, so I organized with that in mind. *If you need the double pages look in the links I placed in description (Sources), there you can find volume 04 double paged.. hope it helps
@hong_hua These are NOT "Aria the Masterpiece". Rename the torrent. Plus you mixed ADV Manga & Tokyopop, Why the Fu*k did you do that for? "Aria the Masterpiece" is a 2-in-1 Edition with better art then the old printings. Plus Book 1 has both 'Aqua' together.

hong_hua (uploader)

@Mr_Kimiko I used info from myanimelist, but I see your correction and the link you provided, so I have renamed the torrent. About using adv manga with other resources- I gathered the materials I could find in order to complete the missing parts. So at least now it is a complete release until someone does the omnibus edition.
@hong_hua I have the RAW English Scans of all the old Printings.... ![Image](

hong_hua (uploader)

@Mr_Kimiko where did you get those files from? Also volumes there are no v07-12
That's because Aria never finished publishing in the US.

hong_hua (uploader)

@XRA9 oh, that's right...
@hug_hua Dig Deep. If you want anything good.

hong_hua (uploader)

@Mr_Kimiko Thank you very much, appreciate your help
This can't be complete without "Dear Akari-sama" :)