@aptop6 Maybe Moozzi used the same parameters from his/her H264 version to HEVC as that will not decrease file size all the time especially for an anime like this one.
@warui considering x264 and x265 might share similar parameter names but said parameters operate completely differently under the hood, I’m erring on the side of “you have no clue what you’re saying lol”
@LightArrowsEXE No! Really? You’re so brave! Yeah, right! No, shit Sherlock. I know what I’m talking about when I attempted to write what I wrote to a potential person who may not understand encoding processes. How about answering the guy’s question instead of vainly find something to make yourself temporarily feel better about yourself.
@warui I would, but that’d require me to go out of my way to grab an episode and check settings (which I would possible do had I not been at work). And frankly, with responses like this, it’s just way funnier to tell people that are obviously wrong that they’re wrong.
Is it impossible that he meant to stay at the same filesize but have even better quality? I mean x265 offers better sizes at say the same quality no? Why not go the other way and have the same size but better quality? (if thats how it works, its just an assumption)
@Nyann Yup. My guesses are on him just going with a far lower equivalent crf and stronger grain-preserving settings, but I can’t verify that until I have an episode on my lap. The sharpening (or possibly rescaling + sharpening, which this looks like after a quick look at the screens) will add to the overall size too, although likely not drastic enough for x265 to give similar bitrates to x264 on its own.
@zionforty9 Possible, but I personally wouldn’t say it really beats x264 in regards to transparency at higher bitrates (since it tends to do slight blurring inherently due to how it works (unlike x264, which blocks and gives a better illusion of detail preservation,) so you’re gonna need very high bitrates to keep it from doing that). That said, it’s a possibility, and I’d definitely take a “bloated” x265 encodet over starved mini-encodes any day of the week.
Colors aren’t as saturated on this one and there are more details because of it, which is great. I have no idea if catbox will re-encode these images, but here you go.
Comments - 26
Thank you
Why is x265 version has same size as x264?
Thanks, does this mean you’ll post ‘Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO’ and ‘Kanata no Astra’ soon?
Thanks a lot
Moozzi alive
any plan for Asatte no hoko?
@aptop6 Maybe Moozzi used the same parameters from his/her H264 version to HEVC as that will not decrease file size all the time especially for an anime like this one.
Any Plan for Rainbow Nisha Rokubou No Shichinin ?
@warui considering x264 and x265 might share similar parameter names but said parameters operate completely differently under the hood, I’m erring on the side of “you have no clue what you’re saying lol”
@LightArrowsEXE No! Really? You’re so brave! Yeah, right! No, shit Sherlock. I know what I’m talking about when I attempted to write what I wrote to a potential person who may not understand encoding processes. How about answering the guy’s question instead of vainly find something to make yourself temporarily feel better about yourself.
@warui I would, but that’d require me to go out of my way to grab an episode and check settings (which I would possible do had I not been at work). And frankly, with responses like this, it’s just way funnier to tell people that are obviously wrong that they’re wrong.
File sizes may depend on filters used as well. With same encoding parameters and no filter, x265 gives smaller files.
Is it impossible that he meant to stay at the same filesize but have even better quality? I mean x265 offers better sizes at say the same quality no? Why not go the other way and have the same size but better quality? (if thats how it works, its just an assumption)
@Nyann Yup. My guesses are on him just going with a far lower equivalent crf and stronger grain-preserving settings, but I can’t verify that until I have an episode on my lap. The sharpening (or possibly rescaling + sharpening, which this looks like after a quick look at the screens) will add to the overall size too, although likely not drastic enough for x265 to give similar bitrates to x264 on its own.
@zionforty9 Possible, but I personally wouldn’t say it really beats x264 in regards to transparency at higher bitrates (since it tends to do slight blurring inherently due to how it works (unlike x264, which blocks and gives a better illusion of detail preservation,) so you’re gonna need very high bitrates to keep it from doing that). That said, it’s a possibility, and I’d definitely take a “bloated” x265 encodet over starved mini-encodes any day of the week.
Thank you.
So this one is much better than the previous one? Don’t really much about x264 vs x265 other than file sizes.
Will keep this in mind since I already got the previous release.
Colors aren’t as saturated on this one and there are more details because of it, which is great. I have no idea if catbox will re-encode these images, but here you go.
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate your work! wish you the best of luck!
Great Comeback. Thanks Moozzi2
Can you reseed this torrent :
Better than the previous release of this one love the low saturation. Thanks!
Good as always, thanks.
Domo :)))
seeds :(