Voicebank Installers Only
DDL (Seed me.)
From Vocaloutau
Windows 100% UTAU Content Part 0 out of 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Edit: Forgot to explain. This is for UTAU, known back in the day as the only free alt to the Vocaloid software. In the early 2010’s, a company made a total of 15 voicebanks and sold them in $12 magazines. They’ve been defunct for years. People are selling their used copies for $50+ with no guarantee that the DVD, that holds the voicebank installers, is included. Preserve these while you can.
Voicebanks included:
・奏音トモ (Kane Tomo)
・アサ音さな (Asane Sana)
・みずお (Mizuo)
・あけこ (Akeko)
・鋼音ヘイ (Hagane Hey)
・転音コロ (Korone Koro)
・櫻井歌音 (Sakurai Kaon)
・天羽ソラ LON (Amaha Sora typeLON)
・姉音モネ (Ane Mone)
・窓音モモ (Madone Momo)
・星野フミカ (Hoshino Fumika)
・奏音トモ(1さい)(Kane Tomo 1sai)
・まいた (Maita)
・みつこ (Mitsuko)
・かあちゃんロイド (Kachanloid)
・くじロイド (Kujiloid)
・春音ハナ (Harune Hana)
・風音フナ (Kazene Funa)
・消臭妖精ノール (Deo Fairy NOL)
・まつっぽいど (Matsupoid)
・蝶野マサヒロイド (Chono Masahiroido)
・歌浪カズサ (Utanami Kazusa)
・桃知みなみ (Momochi Minami)
・いひろ (Ihiro-chan)
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