* **Tonari no Seki-kun / となりの関くん**
1080p 10-bit AVC + AAC (QAAC TVBR 127)
* **Encoder**: Vardë
* **PP** : Encoded using USBD as there is no JPBD for this show and has only DVD release in Japan. There is an odd upscale, making it impossible to descale and broken edges, but overall video quality is correct except in large gradient and dark scenes. Filter chain consisted of cropping, fixing edges and classic denoising/anti-aliasing/debanding/adding grain :). Also, credits in opening and ending had some very bad ringing and haloing so I fixed it.
* If you have a problem with any of the episodes, please report it.
I recommend this : https://nyaa.si/view/1204850
These subtiles will be better than the USBD.
I always prefer to avoid bloat my encode. That's the reason I don't include english track nor subs.
Comments - 6
Raws-Maji (uploader)