[VeloEncodes] Digimon Tamers Episode 02 - You're My Friend! Terriermon Appears! (Multi-Audio) (Japanese 2.0 + Jetix English 2.0 + Singaporean English 2.0) (1080p, BDRip) (10-bit)

2019-12-17 09:59
No information.
File size:
872.6 MiB
Info hash:

This is just a test torrent to see if my VPN is letting me seed. If not, I’ll cadge some monies from my dad and get a seedbox. Same release info as previous Tamers torrent. If enough of you download this, I might even get enough motivation to release that batch torrent.

EDIT: For those who didn’t understand, this is the second episode of Digimon Tamers, with three audio tracks. It’s a test in the sense that I wanted to see if I’m able to seed my own torrents (I wasn’t able to seed anything the morning I thought of posting this). Subs are from WildBunch, ones that sync to both CXRAW and Moozzi2’s release. Audio tracks are Jetix English for the default, and optional Japanese and Singaporean English dub audio. Styled subs are included in case you want to watch this subbed.

File list

  • [VeloEncodes] Digimon Tamers Episode 02 - You're My Friend! Terriermon Appears! (Multi-Audio) (Jpn 2.0 + Eng 2.0 + Sg En 2.0) (10-bit) (1080p BDRip).mkv (872.6 MiB)

thecharioteermode (uploader)


Yeah, I think so too. Anyhoo, I’ll seed until my share ratio is at least 1.00
Seems to be seeding just fine over my VPN and home Wi-Fi. Only thing is, the connection itself is pretty slow. If nothing else, I’ll upload to Baidu and share the link here. That way more people can download and seed it using the downloaded file.

Never knew nyaa can be used like this

thecharioteermode (uploader)


It’s not a violation of the rules. It’s a legitimate torrent. A legitimate episode of Digimon Tamers. It’s got three audio tracks, just like the previous release I made, along with styled subs. Not sure what you’re on about.

Dude this is amazing thank you so much I was wondering are you planning on doing this for any of the other seasons mainly season 4 frontier.

thecharioteermode (uploader)


I can’t promise anything at this point, as I’ll be extremely busy with a lot of stuff. However, I DO intend on finishing up Tamers at some point, and after that I may move to Frontier. As a matter of fact, I DID do an episode of Frontier, but the audio was not at all high quality. I may be using one of the releases here on Nyaa to finish up Tamers and then maybe do Frontier at some point (there are English dub releases with good quality audio on here). Also, if there’s ever a Savers BD box, I can do that right away, as I already have a 480p dual-audio version with me (downloaded from IRC).

I understand take your time knowing that you plan on finishing up tamers is still very good news and if you do follow through with frontiers that would be absolutely amazing it was my favorite Digimon series I would love to see it get the same treatment you gave tamers. That’s true though I forget who but I remember someone posting DVD-Rips of like every season I’m sure those would be good audio sources and that would be awesome. Thank you again for putting all this time and effort into this release it’s nothing short of a amazing.

I can’t seem to connect to this one

thecharioteermode (uploader)


@Bleachway, that’s weird. It has the Nyaa tracker obviously, or it wouldn’t be here. Alternatively, you could try downloading this from Animetosho, and then seeding? If that works for you?

I’ve connected and have finished the torrent. Weird cause I downloaded the first two episodes last night, but episode two just finished.

thecharioteermode (uploader)


Just an update. I’m done with the fourth episode (the audio is kinda bugged in the Singaporean dub, so there’s about 5 seconds of audio that is purely the Japanese audio), and I’ll be finishing up the fifth episode today positively. I’ll then be finishing up episode 6 over the weekend, and then I’ll be creating a batch torrent on my seedbox, before going back to working on episode 7. There will be 9 sets, so the first torrent will be labelled ‘SET 1 of 9’, and will have the first six episodes. Sorry for being so tardy. Thank you for your patience!