For those who don't know: the 30th Anniversary BD is an incredibly halfassed remaster. Funimation used Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) to get rid of the film grain. Grain looks good in still images but it makes moving images very chaotic because each frame has different bits of dust and dirt on it. All that dust is flying around. It takes a lot of time and patience and labor budget to get rid of this stuff manually so they used the automated DNR process. The problem is that the computer can't always tell the difference between actual noise and integral detail. Once-detailed background drawings become smeary blobs. Character line art fades. Funimation tried to make up for this by playing with brightness and contrast settings, auto-sharpening the remaining lines, and adding an artificial grain filter to give texture the sterilized art, but this just created new problems like blinding colors, rigid and wobbly shading, and hazy/jittery boundaries in general.
The artificial grain filter also bloats file size and makes video compression a pain in the ass, even more than the Level Sets which have real grain. That's why the best encode currently out there cuts the raw bitrate by *more than half*: that is what is required to get the file size down to something people consider normal. And the more you compress the video, the more the artificial grain gets blurred out. Some might consider this a positive, but it puts a soft haze over everything, and that's on top of the blur caused by shoddy film-scanning work which really gets out of hand in the Cell arc.
So why bother timing the broadcast audio for such a problematic release? Two reasons: First, some people actually find this set to be an enjoyable way to watch the series. About 3/4 of it probably looks great to the average viewer. They don't care about things like harsh shading and skittish boundaries (they should, for our sake, but they don't) and they can probably live with the blur and brightness issues. Second, many of us will want to watch this remaster to familiarize ourselves with it, and the broadcast audio makes it infinitely more tolerable for those of us who watch in Japanese.
I timed the audio using [Deli295's work]( using the native Japanese audio as a guide. Since the timing was done manually in Audacity, there are irregularities—there were irregularities in both the Tokai edit and the native audio, and in some cases it looks like someone tried to compensate for frame rate differences manually with little deletions and extensions throughout, causing drift—but the edits I made to compensate for drift are microscopic so you won't notice them. Each episode was manually checked, with special attention given to the transitions.
In some cases, I think only in the recaps, the music in the native JP Kikuchi track doesn't even line up with the native dub Kikuchi track, and it remains that way on this edit because their dub timing doesn't work for the Japanese track. The eye catch timing in the Saiyaman-Boo arcs is a bit sporadic. Funimation used the alternate version of Eyecatch B for 201-239, while Toei only used it for 201-202, so I had to time Eyecatch B sort of arbitrarily on 203-239 (mostly using 200 as my guide). But they changed the timing a few times for both eyecatches, and when the music was the same, I just used their timing regardless.
I wouldn't recommend using my edit as a basis for any other release; there was a stretch of episodes (mostly in the Freeza arc) where I had to make too many little micro-deletions to match the Funi timing. (And that means that whoever timed Funi's audio in-house made micro-deletions in the first place.) I did these in blank space when possible, but it was not always possible, which is why I'm pretty sure it's not Deli295's fault. (You still won't notice the deletions, though.) I made a few patches for things like broadcast alerts and pitch warps, but I only spot-checked between the transitions and I probably missed some things. I tried to detail the major patches below, but I know I neglected to note a few minor patches.
**004:** Broadcast alert noise patched with winxbloom audio; **067:** Broadcast alert noise patched with native audio; **184:** Funi's JP track awkwardly cuts off the sound of Gohan's aura at the end of the episode, leaving an ugly gap of silence for more than a second before it cuts to the ED. I extended the aura sound with a fade-out to fill the gap; **204:** Patched pitch warp after title card with native audio; **228:** Patch of audio skip from 14:23.05 to 14:23.17 using native audio. The skip is total dead air on the winxbloom OBA, but the Tokai audio has missing information that throws off the sync, so I started with a small patch from winxbloom to more precisely target the area to be patched with the muffled native audio; **290:** Patched a tiny bit of dead space just before 2:58 using native audio.
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