2019-12-07 16:30(UTC/GMT+08:00)
Hey, dear labmems! I think this may help https://url.cn/5JopZCm It includes files of 2013-2018. I stopped seeding(to ensure the speed) to upload them since today morning, but now I will continue to seed.
What’s more, I add the “「RASTER」/いとうかなこ”(I got the sharer’s permission.) and a new one “[150722][Hi-Res]VECTOR[96kHz/24bit][FLAC]”(My fault, it was omitted for unknown reason…I‘m so sorry, they will appear on the collection V2 version in the future.)
2019-12-05 22:00 (UTC/GMT+08:00)
I try my best but still can’t perfect.
If you have these follow please contact me with 1250226509@qq.com Thx.
only sold at rice digital发售。
111028 STEINS;GATE 8bit Soundtrack Sharbo Z1 turbo版
STEINS;GATE ~線形拘束のフェノグラム~ カウントダウンドラマCD(フルイチオンライン特典)
10-08-13 STEINS;GATEラジオ 未来ガジェット電波局コミケ78特別編+ラボメン円卓会議
14/12/28 STEINS;GATE』閉時曲線のエピグラフ EXTRACT SCENES
【120222】STEINS;GATE ミニドラマCD『混沌必至のプレゼンテーション』
Here are three can’t be shared from astost, you need to get them by youself
[180829] TVアニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ」ED2テーマ「World-Line」【DVD付盤】/今井麻美 (wav+cue+log+tif+iso)[1.28G]
[180919] ゲーム 「STEINS;GATE ELITE」OPテーマ「COSMIC LOOPER」/いとうかなこ (wav+cue+log+tif)[256MB]
[180919] ゲーム 「STEINS;GATE ELITE」EDテーマ「アニーの指輪」/ファンタズム(FES cv.榊原ゆい) (wav+cue+log+tif)[318MB]
Comments - 25
Cosmic looper and world-line are on AB as most people don’t have an account on astost.
devil233 (uploader)
Sorry, what’s “AB” means?
Anyway, I can’t share them.
Could you ask help for your friends?
AB stands for AnimeBytes.
How the fuck am I supposed to download all of it
@Deduleadaa You wait.
devil233 (uploader)
thx for explaination~
…maybe I am too tired to miss it,thx
Well,I know. The searching page https://astost.littleneko.org/s?fid=all&key=RASTER+いとうかなこ shows that it is a “115”, so I think it won’t work for certainly…
add more trackers plz…here are 52 seeds in my ut
Not sure how long you have been a member on astost but, littleneko only indexes posts that have no restrictions. For example, the post Nagoriyuki linked has a 5 Love restriction and as such will not be searchable. Likewise all posts in EX are not indexed by littleneko.
EDIT: Basically the account which is being used doesn’t have the ability to see the post he linked.
devil233 (uploader)
No, the post Nagoriyuki linked actually exist in littleneko, but is shows ‘[115][自抓][EAC][140226]いとうかなこ - RASTER【DVD付盤】(flac+cue+log)[483M][5月27日更新下载地址]_新作资源’, “115” is not longer an available path to download something since recent years, so I overlooked it.
But if you click the link, the title changes to “[BD][自抓][EAC][140226]いとうかなこ - RASTER【DVD付盤】(flac+cue+log)[483M]”, and that’s indeed the link Nagoriyuki posted. And “BD”, we call “baiduyun” in china, is an available path!
I think the sharer changed the download link from “115” to “BD” because "此帖被tday在2019-09-13 20:39重新编辑” shown in the page, it means the sharer edit something. But why the shown title in littleneko didn’t change…I don’t know.
Maybe the cache didn’t flash or it just a bug.
Anyway, I will try to get the sharer 's permission to share it in my collection V2 version as soon as possible.
Thx for you and Nagoriyuki ~
devil233 (uploader)
look here plz
the same sharer “tday”, isn’t it? www
wow, seriously good collection here. thanks.
devil233 (uploader)
good shit, will disappear in like 5 months
devil233 (uploader)
guys, read new contents in the description plz~
[100127][FVCG-1104]「Chaos Attractor」/いとうかなこ (flac+cue+log+bk) this album appears to be corrupted. I’ve tried downloading it more than once but it just won’t work.
devil233 (uploader)
Sorry…thx for feedback
Fix the problem,https://alilin-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/devil_xlu_me/EmwNVdPVZjBNqI2bw3ZsKIQBIRcbWNw5frnkPw2Ct_pJJw?e=c8Jd0b.
It’s also corrupted in the drive account (preview fails, for instance)
@devil233 Is V2 arriving any time soon? I don’t really understand where exactly from the sharepoint should I get what’s missing or faulty in the torrent. Thanks for your immense effort!!
devil233 (uploader)
2 new cd, thx for Sheldonsuckz~
[2020.03.18] Takeshi Abo - GATE OF STEINER 10th Anniversary [CD][FLAC+CUE+LOG+BK][USSW-240]
[MEGA][自购][OTOTOY][200318] 『STEINS;GATE ELITE』オリジナルサウンドトラック / 阿保剛 [24bit/96kHz][1.67G]
@SonicoXD Sorry, not sonn, because there is few change…if u can’t find the missing cd in my sharepoint, that means they are shared prohibited. But just free to find fixed cd according to the year. Good luck!
devil233 (uploader)
3 new cd, thx for Nemuri
[180829] TVアニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ」ED2テーマ「World-Line」/今井麻美 ]
[180919] ゲーム 「STEINS;GATE ELITE」OPテーマ「COSMIC LOOPER」/いとうかなこ
[180919] ゲーム 「STEINS;GATE ELITE」EDテーマ「アニーの指輪」/ファンタズム(FES cv.榊原ゆい)
Thanks a lot!
seed bruh
This is an admirable effort for a collection, but…
[100127][FVCG-1104]「Chaos Attractor」/いとうかなこ (flac+cue+log+bk) is corrupt.
[091229(C77)][FPBD-0142]STEINS;GATE ラジオ 未来ガジェット電波局 コミケ特別編(flac_split) was messed with, it is 24bit 44100hz and not 16bit as a true CD rip should be.
[100428][FVCG-1115]TVA Insert Song「ワタシ☆LOVEな☆オトメ!」/ アフィリア·サーガ·イースト(flac+cue+log+bk) has absolutely nothing to do with STEINS;GATE, so why is it in this collection? https://vgmdb.net/album/19009 says it is related to WLO Sekai Renai Kikou https://vndb.org/v1181
ワタシ☆LOVEな☆オトメ!is an insert song actually
And indeed, Chaos Attractor is corrupted.