Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel II. Lost Butterfly BD Fan Subtitles

2019-08-22 20:58
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Hii guys, it’s the camrip subber. I got a request to retime the subs I made so I’m uploading the finished product here.

Honestly the camrip sub was a bit of a rushed job but I didn’t care too much because I figured the official sub would make it obsolete. So while retiming these subs I tried to polish them up visually, and I also made a lot of edits and retranslations (like “mana > magical energy”) for accuracy and fluency. I also integrated lines from the official subs when I felt they were better translated than mine. It’s crazy to me and very flattering that some people might use my subs as the definitive version, so I tried my best to make a good release this time.

Don’t worry about giving credit or editing it for your own subs, you can do literally whatever you want with these. I’m an amateur so they can 100% be improved upon esp when it comes to styling. Anyway I hope you can get some use out of them and again, thank you so much for using my subs.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LcFxgm2
DDL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8v4kv247c45x9kd/%5Banon%5D_Heaven%27s_Feel_II_Lost_Butterly_BD_Subtitles.ass/file

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  • [anon] Heaven's Feel II Lost Butterly BD Subtitles.ass (82.0 KiB)

are the ED song and PV subbed?

docodemo444 (uploader)


@SROFrancis The PV was just a few lines so yeah but I couldn’t be fucked to do the ED. I think someone else did though

Thanks very much man, really appreciate it

@docodemo444 who would’ve thought some random anon 7 months back, who went out of his way to be the people’s champion and sub a filthy cam rip (WHEN NOBODY ELSE GAVE A FUCK) for the poor fucks who didn’t get the movie in their country or didn’t have the patience to wait for theatre release, would now be considered an international hero, as those same subs would be the saviour of us all from fucking curve ball, blind-sided, unexpected god awful official cancer subs.

Bro, 200 IQ, hats off to you.

‘because I figured the official subs would make them obsolete.’

Ufotable: :PepeLmao: :jebaited:

docodemo444 (uploader)


You guys make it worth all the while.

By the way if you have issues with the font or the font size being weird, try the DDL.

Sick dude, thanks a lot for putting this together. So fast too!

Difference in these subtitles (left is these cam subs, right is edited bluray subs from my release) https://www.diffchecker.com/0SAqOiAE

Very surprised you were so close to the original here, provided you didn’t use it as reference. Looks like there are some improvements to dialogue that I missed but overall comes down to preference.

docodemo444 (uploader)


@komorebi-group Yeah, I’ve adopted some of the lines now but when I first made my subs the movie hadn’t even aired in the USA. It turned out to be pretty similar. 20 or so lines from the official subs were verbatim to my version which I thought was funny and a little odd.

By the way I’m looking at your release and the signs/formatting look really amazing. I was gonna try to borrow some of them and fiddle around with the fonts but I think this is beyond my expertise. Just curious, you’re probably not planning on using my subs for another release, right?

I might rewrite bits of mine at some point for another release (but not quickly), because a combination of these two subtitles would result in the best release. I’ve noticed things like https://i.imgur.com/kfnGgsh (yours is correct to the dialogue being spoken). If you use aegissub it’s really easy to make signs and formatting like that. Feel free to pop by #nyaa-dev or something on rizon if you want to discuss it. Or we can do a joint release. I missed some signs deliberately due to the difficulty so want to do those too.

Also there’s the whole “nee-san” vs “big sister” thing, really comes down to what you prefer. Ideally there would be two versions of the subtitles - one with honorifics, japanese word order for names, and one with the western words which is suited for the wider audience.

Komorebi: When you say “not quickly”, I assume that means a couple of weeks? Not days?

docodemo444 (uploader)


Yeah personally I really don’t care about name order honorifics etc as a translator. It’s 100% for the audience and I like the idea of having 2 versions even if it’s tedious.
Thanks for the info, I’d love to learn that stuff. Don’t think I’d do a joint release since I’m not really a subber, you guys seem like you make high quality releases and I’m just happy if my subs could be a potential resource for you.

@letslovelain whenever I give a timescale I never stick to it, but I’m busy for the next few days, depends on who else is working on this.

fyi, you have a typo in the title (Butterly)

Does anyone know if there any trusted cartel will be pick this ?

Thank you for your hard work ^^. It’s very much appreciated.

Hey man its been 8 months but I mostly never use nyaa since i tend to use other private trackers! Just wanted to thank you a lot for making these subtitles from scratch for a camrip that nobody but us peasants where the movie did not come rely on!
Not only that but on other releases I read that you were awake for straight hours to polish these subs for the BD!

Just wanna say youre a hero and thank you so much! I hope where-ever you are, you are happy and enjoying your life!

Thanks@docodemo444. Your translation is better than the official version when comparing lines. Excellent work.

Hey @docodemo444 it’s been a while lol. Was just wondering if you’ve thought about subbing Spring Song now that the BD rips are out. It looks like you don’t do subs that often so probably not, but I liked your Lost Butterfly subs a lot so it’d be cool if you did. Thanks.