This is the complete Dragon Ball GT Dragon Box collection with Japanese Mastered/Broadcast audio from GTeam.
Subtitles from GTeam was also added to the collection. The NEP were a hassle to sync correctly, so I scrapped the old release for now to release the broadcast version of the DBGT Dragon Box collection. Enjoy!
Comments - 26
The Dragon Box GT is really good but it has its flaws and still to this day there’s no superior release to it. I’m not getting my hopes up TOEI ever remasters it in HD but I’d love it.
Maybe they will one day in the future. It definitely would be nice to get a good HD remaster from TOEI.
There are some HD Promo Cels out there of GT but that’s really it, promotional cels. The series and movies never look that good.
Maybe one day after we get those TOEI HD remasters of the DBZ series.
So is this the definitive release for GT now?
It’s really subjective, tbh.
For some the definitive edition is with the dub/sub they prefer, maybe color corrected and also another maybe for placing the NEPs first over the EDs.
@Super_Saiyan_Lusitano which torrent is better, this one or yours? (in terms of video and audio quality)
The one I uploaded was left untouched, that is, the subs included only cover the OP, EP and ED, not the NEP. And the default audio tracks on it are Dbox Japanese, FUNi dub w/Original Score and FUNi dub w/US Score.
That one is pretty much a WIP for whomever wants to spend time muxing dubs and subs, that has a lot. I could’ve mux it but with so many audios and subs there was the chance I could’ve made a mistake misnaming a track. I didn’t want to take that chance unnecessarily.
Does it have GTeam subs + Mastered/ Broadcast audio with the best video possible? That’s the definitive edition in my opinion.
GTeam subs and the audio is partially lossless (early GT, while later GT audio is lossy). GTeam said has plans to release the rest lossless but have to be patient.
Some of the dubs on the other torrent, like the Latin American one, are also not really synced as the NEP and Ending Theme order are reversed, so while I’m trying to sync that to GTeam’s video or this remux video, the audio has to be fixed first.
The GTeam rips presumably semi-fixed the issues with the later Dbox GT video encoding but imo, I’d go with DVD Remuxes still. Untouched DVD quality for the better or worse.
Seed please
Many Episodes from this torrent have problems, it is getting stuck, need to close media player & restart, still this occurs
Waist of download
Thanks for uploading
Seed Please
Always error when downloading
seed please
Seed Please!!!
Is this DVD Version??
Seed this, its taking me forever to download the second box
Box 2 keeps freezing on me
Can anyone seed please? I need this badly. Or can somebody share mega or google drive link so i can download them?
To everyone who come across to this comment. GT Remux is probably not going to be seeded. Don’t worry because SoM will release their GT Batch soon (Don’t ask when. Just wait for it). Also for those who want specific files (such as dubs and subs for example) I can share it (I will not seed this because I will delete them If GT gets released by SoM). * Add me on DIscord: Alperen_04#8759 *
Video files don’t make sense if SoM releases their GT Batch because it will be better than any Remux :D. Also the Broadcast Audio here is defenitely outdated…
Please seeds anyone