Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 1 Special CD [FLAC]

2019-08-06 17:04 UTC
File size:
391.5 MiB
Info hash:
So this is the message I’ve been dreading to write only 795 torrents later. It’s been over 2 years since I started uploading to Nyaa; originally to just upload my own cd rips and then slowly looking at requests in torrent comments to help people out. Along the way I met new people, started using Discord, and expanded my music library. I took rips from random direct download sites then moved to Perfect Dark. I joined TSDM but still to this day I have never posted anything from there. I got into ripping Deezer and then some other services with help from various people. By the end I was providing about 80 percent of all opening and endings being released and now it is my time to stop. As everyone knew I didn’t make any money off of this or do it for fame. It was all to make lossless music more accessible as I too was a leecher once. I encourage joining Chinese forums (TSDM/ASTOST) if you want a lot of lossless content as well as buying albums you really like.

File list

  • [Sheldonsuckz] Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 1 Special CD [FLAC]
    • 01 the main theme of "Kimetsu no Yaiba".flac (27.1 MiB)
    • 02 to destroy the evil.flac (38.7 MiB)
    • 03 brace up and run!.flac (22.9 MiB)
    • 04 survive and get the blade, boy.flac (33.0 MiB)
    • 05 voices from the past.flac (19.5 MiB)
    • 06 Original Drama 「Arishi hi no Kyoudai」.flac (109.0 MiB)
    • 07 Original Drama 「Wasureshi no Itto」.flac (132.6 MiB)
    • Cover.png (8.7 MiB)
    • Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 1 Special CD.log (6.7 KiB)
Thank you for the releases you shared all these months, good luck in your life :)
??Miss you Sheldon, thanks for all your contributions #Sheldonfan
Thanks for all the FLAC friend, take care.
Thanks for everything and good luck \o/
I was wonder what happened since the message seems incomplete, but I checked the discord server and it seems you are indeed retiring. Thank You for the continued upload this past 2 years or so. I still remember you were sometime the only one providing FLAC versions of various albums back when ASLossless and IEGG stop uploading. Really appreciate all the hard work of you and everyone else who contributed. Enjoy your nice break. Who knows when you will comeback, but I'll always remember and appreciate your releases for sure! Take care and enjoy!
Thanks a lot Sheldon for all the stuff you've shared. Getting burned out sucks. I still find myself providing a few torrents (non-music too) to help folks out but under anon. Maybe if you feel inclined just do the ones you really like or do what Mashin does if you don't really intend to stop and just want a break. Dunno why nobody else is sharing them in FLAC. Maybe the greed is too strong. F those Chinese sites. And can somebody seed been trying to get it since February.
Check anidex when you get a chance I'll send you a newer rip (perfect log).
Thank you for all your hard work during this years, I hope there's a place in heaven to people like you. Best of regards and enjoy your retirement!
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
No ending theme?
No flac of the ending theme has been released. Not even the full song is out in any quality.
Sheldonsuckz, What is "Perfect Dark"? Also, will you keep seeding here? noZA_, Sheldon didn't say anything about being burned out. Where did you get that and what does it have to do with uploading as anon?
Perfect Dark is a peer to peer (p2p) application. It's not used as much nowadays but, in the past you could find a lot of albums uploaded to it. And you're correct in saying I'm not burned out. That wasn't the reason I stopped at all. It was just a personal choice I made.
So what would you recommend to find lossless soundtrack and OPs ?