Dragon Ball Z Madman DVD Singles ISOs, Volume 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17

2019-07-28 13:35
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12.8 GiB
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Here are 3 Madman Singles, i got the first 19 volumes, so i may upload more. Important note: I won’t have this torrent seeded for all that long, a few days give or take, so download it fast! And below here are Imgur links to screenshots, check them out if you are doubtful!













File list

  • Dragon Ball Z Madman Singles 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17
    • 1.15 - The Namek Saga - Trouble! (Episodes 044-046).iso (4.2 GiB)
    • 1.16 - The Namek Saga - The Ginyu Force (047-049).iso (4.2 GiB)
    • 1.17 - The Namek Saga - Super Saiyan! (050-053).iso (4.3 GiB)

how much DB stuff is there…everyday there’s a new torrent

Sometimes it’s just a re-encode of something already up.

GP119 (uploader)


@DR3AMKiiLL3R Well yeah, but a lot of them feel pretty useless because it may just be an encode instead of the raw ISO/VIDEO_TS/BDMV and all. We still don’t have DBZ Kai 1.0 BDMVs on here, and that says a lot. It’s why i upload something that’s not already there, and there are way more things that aren’t here than you may think, like the many DBZ VHS volumes, more Madman DVD Singles, Double Feature DBZ Movies, etc.

There isn’t much of a point to having the entire Dragon Ball Kai Full Blu-rays, unless for the Yamamoto score and its extras but otherwise that’s like 600GB that you could be using for something better.

whats the difference between this and the funi singles?

To my eyes they are better encoded, though they are 25fps.

OH, that’s awesome, Thank you dude, I used to have VHS versions of this but I lost them unfortunately
I got the U.S DVDs release from here (Nyaa) and I noticed that there is almost no NEPs or Recaps on them unlike this one you uploaded, last I checked my volume 12 and 13 of that Australian release is not working (damaged) so can you please share those two volumes here ? Thanks in advance

NVM friend, I just washed the discs and they worked perfectly
then I ripped them quickly as TS Videos before they become corrupted again, Thanks again !

The discs work fine, no issues. Just make sure to mount them and then it’ll play as an actual DVD.

Ripping it to VIDEO_TS is a really bad idea due to the fact the files become loose.

GP119 (uploader)


@Annhilater1985 The difference between this and the Pioneer Singles is that Madman has all Recaps and Previews, has all end narrations, the ‘‘Stay tuned for scenes from the next Episode of Dragon Ball Z!’’ always gets cut out on Pioneer for every Episode that isn’t the last one on the disc, Madman has ‘‘Stand By For Dragon Ball Z! Coming Next!’’ unlike Pioneer prior to when the Rock the Dragon intro starts, Madman has better encoding and color consistency, i mean check out the beginning of Episode 13 on Pioneer, Goku’s Gi is shining red, and in Episode 23 prior to when Goku vs Vegeta begins, the colors are way too dark, the sky is very dark blue and it’s not like that on Madman.

Pioneer has 384kbps audio and 224kbps audio, Madman has promo’s as extras while Pioneer has nothing. Madman is 25fps, so removing the frame blending will be a pain unlike Pioneer were you simply detelecine/deinterlace it, and that’s about it for things worth mentioning.

GP119 (uploader)


@Super_Saiyan_Lusitano Kai BDMVs can still be here but only separately, rather than all BDs of all 1-98 episodes being here. The BDs can also provide lossless Dub audio and Yamamoto music, seeing as it’s easier to rip with 5.1 surround sound of the Dub rather than Stereo with the Sub. So 1 torrent for each Kai BD Part, 1-13, 14-26, etc.

Be here? You gotcha.
Seeded? Hm…


The term “BDMV” refers to Blu-rays ripped backup in the same way of DVDs ripped in VIDEO_TS. A lot of times it’s unfortunately in BDMV but the best really is BD ISO just as is DVD ISO.

GP119 (uploader)


True, though the handy part about a BDMV is that if you want to, you can just download the MTS files separately rather than everything.

I have 3 torrents which were at 100% but since I misdisconnected, they’re now missing 0.1% from reaching 100%.

Thankfully I turned them all to DVD ISO before. Loose video file backups have their pros and cons, mostly cons for me.

Dragon ball kai BDMV with the audio replaced, it’s here. Can anyone share a seed, please.


or someone who can share the bluray with the original Yamamoto audio?

Can we please have all the Madman singles of the Saiyan Arc?


Those Blu-ray copies are with the Yamamoto score but seeds on Nyaa? They don’t stick around for too long.

GP119 (uploader)


@SaotomeZ I have access to Blu-Ray ISOs of Yamamoto, i can probably make a few, but only 1 disc per torrent, not only because it’s much easier to seed, but also because i have limited space.

GP119 (uploader)


@SylentEcho Sure thing, that’ll be my next torrent, though only 2 or 3 volumes per torrent.

@uploader hey again, is there any possibility to share the 3 edited movies of Z in their ISO Forms in case you have them ?

GP119 (uploader)


@dragonballlover Sure, i’ll do that once upon a time, a month, maybe 2 months from now i will. Though i’m sorta busy as of now with some things. The only release with the Edited Ocean Dub Movies on a home release is the one on the Rock the Dragon Set, which i do have access to luckily, so yeah i can make a torrent out of that, seeing as all 3 Ocean Dub movies are on the same disc. (Too bad the RTD one is a bit grey-ish, though it’s easily fixable)

if you’re not going to seed your torrent then don’t fucking upload it here

Seriously??!! Why aren’t you seeding? It’s been a week.

Would some enterprising, kind person, please upload these here or to Gdrive and just post the links here? I’m sure someone will upload them on a torrent right after.

GP119 (uploader)


@popnfloss It’s called ‘‘having limited space’’ you know. And at least i upload it rather than NOT do it for crying out loud. At least there are Madman DVDs upped here you know!

@SylentEcho I said i could’ve only seeded for a few days and i actually did for 5-6 days. Now mind you, i can up them in a G-Drive myself, so i wouldn’t mind doing that, though of course free G-Drives are only 15GB, so i would need to make multiple.

seed pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!

GP119 (uploader)


@piratemonkeyj184 Did you even look at the comments of the torrent containing 1.01 to 1.04? If not check that out first.